Obama Administration Says Treaties Trump the US Constitution

Obama Administration Says Treaties Trump the US Constitution

OCTOBER 30, 2013 4:47 PM via FreeiNews.Com
Obama Administration Says Treaties Trump the US Constitution

“The Obama administration is arguing before federal court that TREATIES should trump the CONSTITUTION… please SHARE this.His goal is total power. He wants to be able to bypass the constitution to regulate guns, the Internet, and who knows what else. This is tyranny. Barack Obama must be removed from office…


The Constitution is the standard we should evaluate treaties — and not the other way around. If a treaty violates the constitution, then the treaty was never signed in a legal manner in the first place.

Sen. Ted Cruz agrees. Remember, Ted Cruz was a Harvard lawyer who was a former law clerk under William Rehnquist, the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Here’s what the Washington Examiner reports:
Justice Department attorneys are advancing an argument at the Supreme Court that could allow the government to invoke international treaties as a legal basis for policies such as gun control that conflict with the U.S. Constitution, according to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. 

Their argument is that a law implementing an international treaty signed by the U.S. allows the federal government to prosecute a criminal case that would normally be handled by state or local authorities.

That is a dangerous argument, according to Cruz.

“The Constitution created a limited federal government with only specific enumerated powers,” Cruz told the Washington Examiner prior to giving a speech on the issue today at the Heritage Foundation.

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“The Supreme Court should not interpret the treaty power in a manner that undermines this bedrock protection of individual liberty,” Cruz said.

In his speech, Cruz said the Justice Department is arguing “an absurd proposition” that “could be used as a backdoor way to undermine” Second Amendment rights, among other things.

Please note that just recently, Obama was pushing for an anti-gun UN treaty. This is NOT just theoretical danger — Obama intends to use treaties to attack the constitution and has made that very clear.
Ted Cruz is right, the Obama administration is wrong, and the constitution is under attack. Please spread the word about this… grassroots activism is our strongest defense at this point.”

Original link: http://www.alipac.us/f19/obama-administration-says-treaties-trump-us-constitution-291183/

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Is PC And Agenda Driving Killing America?

From: A View From The Right

Is PC And Agenda Driving Killing America?

Image of Dearborn Mosque

Mosque located near Dearborn, Michigan

Army Major Nidal Hasan walks into an army processing center at Fort Hood, Texas and opens fire while screamingAllah Akbar. We now know a couple of truths about this incident, in the light of a very lengthy trial where the shooter was found guilty and might very well be executed for his crime. The Department of Justice almost immediately labeled the massacre a “Work Place Violence” incident rather than a terrorist attack.

Larry Elder the outspoken conservative radio host from Southern California made a very interesting assessment on Fox News. Not only did he accuse the government of missing some very important red flags on the shooter at the recent slaughter at the Washington Navy Yard, he went one step further and laid the blame at the feet of Political Correctness as the cause of the shooting in the first place.

In the case of the above two incidents of the slaughter of innocent human life, a couple of very key points must be made before proceeding.

1. Both cases were in fact accomplished in gun free zones. America and our federal government doesn’t trust its own soldiers and sailorsCONTINUE READING →

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