Puzzle Pieces For (Troubled) America And It’s Fundamental Transformation

You Decide.

What Are They Up To? Exactly What is The Agenda For The 20th Anniversary of The
Million Man March That They Are Calling “Justice Or Else!” Set For October 10th, set up by the same people. What Are We To Make of All This? Should Americans Be Concerned? Is The Upcoming ‘March In D.C. Something To Worry About, Or Is It All a Bunch of hyped up nothing? What Do You Think About All These Connections, With One Now of them being the sitting President of The United States, and has vowed it’s “fundamental transformation”. Not sure if these articles are all entirely true or not. Given the atmosphere in our society, are we being divided to turn us into an islamic, or moslem nation?


There are reasons that Al Sharpton is a White House favorite. And their relationship started
well before Obama’s 1st inauguration. As demonstrated in the links, information and
quotes to follow. What is their agenda? What say you?

Obama, Sharpton & Wright Helped Organize Louis
Farrakhan’s Million Man March in 1995 (about
1/2 way down page). There is another one
scheduled for October they refer to as Justice
or Else.



Al Sharpton 1992 – “I’ll Use Hate To Achieve
Racial Justice”


1995 Video Surfaces of Barack Obama Revealing


Barack Obama to Khalid Muhammad: Two Degrees
of Separation. Also Khalid Al Mansour
Connection to Obama (funding Harvard


Al Sharpton Khalid Muhammad Exterminate Whites

Obama Caught On Camera 2007


1995 Video Surfaces of Barack Obama Revealing


“I am Iranian by birth and of my Islamic faith. I am also an American Citizen and I seek to help change America to be a more Islamic country. My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself.” ~ Valerie Jarrett, Stanford University, 1977


1995 Video of Eric Holder: We Must ‘Brainwash’
People Against Guns


Terrorist Training Camps In US

Terrorist Training Camps in the U.S.


Video of Muslim Terrorists Training for
Warfare Right Here in the USA!


Islam ‘Peace’ Conference Video


The Third Jihad


They like to call us ‘islamofauxbic’ and ‘racists (how does that one even work?) for pointing out facts that they say don’t exist.

American Muslims celebrating 9/11:


Admiral (Ret) James Lyons Just Divulged Secret
Muslims Don’t Want you to Know


Obama Paving Way For Muslim Takeover


US Pacific Fleet Commander Drops Bombshell
About Obama and Muslim Brotherhood


Their words and statistics tell us that they infiltrate to dominate, not assimilate. They ‘peaceful’ until they reach enough numbers to behave otherwise.

Muslim Immigration – They Are Taking Over The
World At An Alarming Rate.


They tell us what they are going to do, and how they are going to do it. Yet this administration, and other world leaders, are telling that, either they don’t mean it or they’re not a threat at all, just a JV team, it’s not islam, bring them on in, heck fire we’ve trained 4 or 5 resistance fighters already.
UK: Imam calls on Muslims to take welfare and
make jihad


They are having a 20th year anniversary next month. Set up by the very same people. The comments under that video are inexplicably unbelievable. One refers to Farrakhan as “The Vicegerent of Christ”.

Million Man March 20th Anniversary, JUSTICE OR
ELSE, Washington D.C.,| Oct. 2015 | Promo




Muslim Brotherhood Web Of Deceit

CAIR Exposed and Several More Free Document
Downloads For Patriots




Barack Obama to Khalid Muhammad: Two Degrees of Separation. Also Khalid Al Mansour Connection to Obama (funding Harvard Education).


Romanticpoet's Weblog



First This:

Barack Obama to Khalid Muhammad: Two Degrees of Separation

March 12, 2012

Hat Tip: BB

From PowerLine:

John Podhoretz and Patterico highlight a close connection between Barack Obama and Khalid Muhammad. Obama, as we know, was a disciple of Derrick Bell; in the video that Breitbart.com released a few days ago, he urged his listeners to open their hearts and minds to Bell’s teachings. So, what were Bell’s teachings?

Bell was a fervent admirer of Louis Farrakhan and Khalid Muhammad of the Nation of Islam. Podhoretz quotes a 1994 interview in which Bell said, “We should really appreciate the Louis Farrakhans and the Khalid Muhammads while we’ve got them.” Our readers are well aware of the repellent Farrakhan, but who was Khalid Muhammad? Patterico gives us Muhammad’s “Kill the Cracker” speech, in which Muhammad, whom Derrick Bell so admired, advocated genocide:


View original post 178 more words

Liberal’s Religion is Government – their motto: Separation FROM Church TO State…

Liberal’s Religion is Government – their motto: Separation FROM Church TO State…

Conservative mindset: “Pay it Forward!”
Liberal mindset: “Pay it For ME!”

We are now reaping what Liberals have been allowed to sow! …. “Render Unto Caesar” does NOT mean in Liberal Laziness pass/transfer Responsibilities to the State…. “Separation FROM Church TO State” …. “Creating Dependency is NOT Compassion” …. “Compassion/Charity is going door-to-door (YOURSELF) to help raise funds for a needy neighbor, Liberal Laziness is voting to have the IRS extort the funds!”…. more….

It is not even Cristos-mass* time and (not even snowing, many haven’t even begun to think about Thanksgiving let alone December yet, but…) I am really tired of Liberals corrupting, distorting, twisting, misquoting, etc, the message of Christ (or just the Torah, if you prefer, this is about Religion in general) to promote Liberal Government. Not even to begin to touch on their invocations of “Separation of Church and State” double-standards. You’ll see this has been brewing/building for some time as parts have been touched on in other writings.

This is, no doubt, going to offend and/or anger many on the Left, as if that isn’t a good reason to do it on its own, 😉 but it probably isn’t going to get any of them to honestly examine their Life, their Faith, and if they are actually applying the two together!?!? How there is a complete disconnect between the message and how it is intended to be implemented with them escapes me (not really). That does (really) trouble me, as a person who really is concerned about all of my fellow Americans.

First, a h/t to bs for this: I Am Angry Post that reawakened these concerns over what seems to me to be obviously misguided convictions, that they are willingly being led into a Statism intent on replacing traditional Faith as the primary entity for worship. You can see/hear those underpinnings in every speech that Leftists give about supposed “Social Justice.” That they cannot grasp that statement/concept, makes it even less excusable that they do not make any attempts to see the path that those they choose to follow “Hope” to lead them down. This is NOT just about Abortion. It is the explaining away of how the Govt. should just not be “allowed” to do so many Liberal ideas/things but that it somehow (in their minds) “must” do any number of things.

While I go more in-depth in Frustration with dealing with Politically Brain-Dead and/or to a lessor extent in other Posts here (Party of kNOw) or here (Conservative nominations), I pointed out in my comment (Psychology of awakening ObamaZombies from Liberal Laziness) in bs’ RS Diary, and want to briefly touch on again here, the following point:

Shock, Denial, Anger, Acceptance.
Political awareness and Coming to grips with the fact the JackAss Party today is nowhere what it used to be just 50 years ago (and even then it was socialist, just the RINO drip drip slow kind (Republicans must be the Party of HELL NO [to Bigger Govt.] not the …)) is like the grieving process. We have some that get that SHOCK but quickly just eagerly dwell in the DENIAL phase for the rest of their life. It’s easier that way, of course, to just stumble through life completely oblivious to Reality and keep the little bubble of friends equally in the dark. It is not until we force them to view out their window and see REALITY that they will get to the ANGER phase and to ultimate ACCEPTANCE of the error of their LIBERAL LAZINESS childishness (ultimately selfish, extort from others rather than do ANYTHING themselves to help their friends, family, neighbors, etc, ways). “You can lead a Liberal to the Truth (Facts), but you can’t make them THINK!”

I say this all, of course, NOT for thoughtful Conservatives but for the visitors we have that hadn’t figured this out yet and/or for those that might need one additional “thought-provoking” way to try and awaken one of the Brain-deads that may be in their life.

But, that is just the layer above the surface. It is what is under that which troubles me most and what I’ve ultimately provide this Post to address. That is what I (we) clearly see as the DETOUR Liberal Democrats have put in place and many have followed for so long that they don’t recall they have detoured and/or that they are way off course and on the wrong road. The Liberal Democrats’ (Progressives/Socialists) desire to “Separate You FROM Church TO State, not the Separation Of Church And State” (wall of separation between Church & State twisted by Libs) that Liberals have gotten wrong from the beginning of the Progressive movement (not unintentionally)!

Co-opting Faith, Hope, and Charity.
It’s obvious how “Hope” is being twisted, so let’s move right to Charity. I’d like to refer to a common theme on a few ProBamaCare signs that made the rounds at the Health-care Townhalls (HC Townhall: Like Hollywood, Democrats used new Actors to replay th…) invoking (what is supposedly, according to them if it’s Republicans/Conservatives) forbidden from Politics: Religion! Charity…

Dear Brain-deads: Charity begins at Home and is giving NOT Extortion (Extortion, pure and simple (to raise taxes or avoid/enac… via the Power of Government. Giving from one’s own holdings rather than reaching into someone else’s pocket-book to give to others. That is NOT CHARITY, it is SOCIALISM – Liberal Brain-dead ObaMorons, just their latest incarnation as they’ve been lost Pavlov-dogs behind any/all Leftists since Carter, can’t grasp that basic concept/definition! “Pay it Forward” NOT ‘Pay it for me!’

It Takes A Village (read: community).
Responsibilities to our Brothers and Sisters. Hillary tried to cash in on that Liberal distortion and Obama has tried to drop it a few times in regard to implying a “Moral imperative” to/for a complete Health-care Takeover (and/or countless other Obama initiatives), rather than true reforms we would agree to. Like Charity, “It Takes A Village” is not offensive to Conservatives, on the contrary – we welcome it! It is, as always, the warped distortion of it by Liberals from Voluntarily (in keeping with God’s gift to us of Free Will and expectation we “choose” to engage in it as part of our Faith and Salvation plans) over Coercion/Extortion… As with Charity, when it is forced/commanded by the State, it crossed from the simple “Community” and becomes the “Political Communism!”

Let me spell this out another way for our ultra-Liberal lurkers who (especially a couple of folks from SA, so you can quote me correctly 😉 and not link for folks to read the whole things [an aside – some reasonable folks there intermingled with the usual Liberal Brain-deads], and maybe even a few Conservatives over there that don’t know how to explain the difference to those that) don’t grasp the distinction:

  • Conservative = Willingly helping fellow Americans, that may have need, of their own volition – giving aid, comfort, time, ones OWN money, etc…
  • Liberal/Democrat/Progressive/Obamunist/SOCIALIST = Engaging in the Laziness of Liberalism (Class Warfare) by voting to have the Government Extort money (Taxes) from the Productive to redistribute to Others, so as to feel (that usual Education Indoctrination “Esteem/Style over Substance”) good about having done – really nothing – for someone else.

See too compassion section below.

The PLANET Worship – “Green” and/or “Global Warming” alarmist junk science agenda.
First, Conservatives are NOT anti-science – we are anti-JUNK-science! Remember the 1970’s and the “Ice Age returns” alarm-ism? We’ve not even touched on this obvious one! The Climate $cam agenda placing PLANET Worship over God and the Green Agenda as its doctrine of control (countless sub-issues: 1, 2, 3, 4a/4b/4c, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) rather than being proper custodians of God’s Planet Earth and our Home! Conservatives are Real/True Conservationists and want to Preserve the Planet and Resources without destroying Americans (highest quality) way of Life in the process.

Creating Dependency is NOT Compassion!”
Further, using those whom you create a dependency within for Political means to an end is not Nobel but a False Pretense of, what should otherwise be a selfless and, a Faithful act. They are acts of False Prophets who seek to place themselves above God, create their own following for Personal gains/power, etc… “Compassion/Charity is going door-to-door (YOURSELF) to help raise funds for a needy neighbor, Liberal Laziness is voting to have the IRS extort the funds!”

Plenty of additional examples could be made, but I’ll end this here, as Conservatives “get it,” while I could go on for pages and pages and exceed the 1,000+ pages of the HR 3200 (Obama-care) with Liberals never understanding it.

PS: Distortion of the Islamic Faith and twisting text (Qur’an) is NOT limited to Al Qaeda, we have plenty that use distortions of Christianity and the Bible for Statist means here in America: see “Render unto Caesar” (completely misunderstood by Liberals.

PPS: Lest we forget, as it relates to the Health-Care discussions:
Obama went on about “False witness” (he used that exact terminology, Liberal Psychological Projection, as usual!) to impugn his detractors, while his Party members continually Lied about what was in the sole plan (HR3200) in Consideration in the Congress (their distortions/lies details directly highlighted/refuted: here, here, here, and here).

In picture form for our Liberal friends to understand it

(h/t to a RS friend ColdWarrior whom I first saw use the graphic)

As always, Regards from JLenardDetroit

Continue Reading At –

Rattle With Us Tea Party

*I replaced X with Ch

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A Tsunami of Muslims Converting to Christianity in Islamic Countries

A Tsunami of Muslims Converting to Christianity in Islamic Countries

By Peter Paton

There has in recent times been a Colossal Tsunami of Christian converts in Islamic countries, notably Iran, Pakistan, Nigeria, Somalia and Egypt, as Millions of Muslims in these countries are now finding the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and the Book of Proverbs to be the new moral compass and foundation of their lives.This phenomenon is strangely synonymous with the wave of Christian converts which swept through Russia just prior to the collapse of the Russian collective state and Communism.Many of these former Muslims who have converted to Christ now have their Christian testimonies online.


By Peter Paton

There has in recent times been a Colossal Tsunami of Christian converts in Islamic countries, notably Iran, Pakistan, Nigeria, Somalia and Egypt, as Millions of Muslims in these countries are now finding the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and the Book of Proverbs to be the new moral compass and foundation of their lives.This phenomenon is strangely synonymous with the wave of Christian converts which swept through Russia just prior to the collapse of the Russian collective state and Communism.Many of these former Muslims who have converted to Christ now have their Christian testimonies online.

Release from Islamic Influence – Prayer of Release from Islamic Influence – there is Power in the Name! – Breaks... http://fb.me/MsveltY9

It has not come without a cost in these Islamic countries as many Christian converts are being martyred for their spiritual cause but still the…

View original post 133 more words

Christianity and Islam: A Side by Side Compariison

     Christianity and Islam: A Side by Side Comparison

* It is not the purpose of this site to promote any particular religion, including Christianity.
However, we do enjoy refuting nonsense, such as the claim that Muhammad
and Jesus preached a morally equivalent message or that all religion is the same.

“I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads
and strike off every fingertip of them.” 

“Allah” (Qur’an 8:12)Fight everyone in the way of Allah and
kill those who disbelieve in Allah.”
Muhammad (Ibn Ishaq 992)“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
Jesus (Matthew 5:14)Even though many Muslims regard terrorists who kill in the name of Allah as criminals, they cannot deny that Muhammad also killed in the name of Allah.  What example of Jesus do Christians emulate which has them confused them with terrorists and criminals?Each year, thousands of Christian homes and churches are torched or bombed by Muslim mobs, and hundreds of Christians, including dozens of priests, pastors, nuns and other church workers are murdered at the hands of Islamic extremists.  The so-called justification varies, from charges of apostasy or evangelism, to purported “blasphemy” or “insulting” Islam.  Innocent people have even been hacked to death by devout Muslims over cartoons.Yet, there is little if any violent retaliation from religious Christians to the discrimination,kidnapping, rape, torture, mutilation and murder that is routinely reported from nations with Muslim majorities. Neitheristhere is any significant deadly terrorism in the name of Jesus,asthere is in the stated causeofAllaheach and every day.  Muslim clerics in the West do not fear for their safety as do their Christian counterparts.The “Christian world” andtheIslamic world contrast sharply in other ways as well, from the disparate condition of human rights and civil liberties to economic status.  An astonishing 70% of the world’s refugees are Muslims –  usually seeking to live in Christian-based countries.While Western societies take seriously “scandals” such as AbuGhraib and Guantanamo (where no one has actually been killed), Muslims routinely turn a blind eye to their own horrible atrocities, even those committed explicitly in the name of Allah.  The Muslim world has yet to offer a single apology for the tens of millions of lives consumed by centuries of relentless Jihad and slavery.These sharp differences are almost certainly rooted in the underlying religions, which begin with the disparate teachings and examples set by Jesus and Muhammad..



Also Read Myths of Islam

Differences Between Muhammad and Jesus



Said Allah hates those who don’t accept Islam.
(Qur’an 30:45, 3:32, 22:38)
Said God loves everyone.
(John 3:16)
“I have been commanded to fight
against people till they testify that there
is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad
is the messenger of Allah”

(Muslim 1:33)
“He who lives by the sword
will die by the sword.”

(Matthew 26:52)
Stoned women for adultery.
(Muslim 4206)
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”
(John 8:7)
Permitted stealing from unbelievers.
(Bukhari 44:668, Ibn Ishaq 764)
“Thou shalt not steal.”
(Matthew 19:18)
Permitted lying.
(Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857)
“Thou shalt not bear false witness.”
(Matthew 19:18)
Owned and traded slaves.
(Sahih Muslim 3901)
Neither owned nor traded slaves.
Beheaded 800 Jewish men and boys.
(Sahih Muslim 4390)
Beheaded no one.
Murdered those who insulted him.
(Bukhari 56:369, 4:241)
Preached forgiveness.
(Matthew 18:21-22, 5:38)
“If then anyone transgresses
the prohibition against you,
Transgress ye likewise against him
(Qur’an 2:194)
“If someone strikes you on the right
cheek, turn to him the other also.”
(Matthew 5:39)
Jihad in the way of Allah elevates one’s position in Paradise by a hundred fold.
(Muslim 4645)
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for
they will be called Sons of God
(Matthew 5:9)
Married 13 wives and kept sex slaves.
(Bukhari 5:268, Qur’an 33:50)
Was celibate.
Slept with a 9-year-old child.
(Sahih Muslim 3309, Bukhari 58:236)
Did not have sex with children.
Ordered the murder of women.
(Ibn Ishaq 819, 995)
Never harmed a woman.
“O you who believe!  Fight those of the
unbelievers who are near to you
and let them find in you hardness.”

(Qur’an 9:123)
“Blessed are the meek, for
they shall inherit the earth.”

(Matthew 5:5)
Ordered 65 military campaigns
and raids in his last 10 years.
(Ibn Ishaq )
Ordered no military campaigns, nor
offered any approval of war or violence. 
Killed captives taken in battle.
(Ibn Ishaq 451)
Never took captives.
Never killed anyone.
Encouraged his men to rape enslaved women.
(Abu Dawood 2150, Qur’an 4:24)
Never encouraged rape.
Never enslaved women. 
Demanded captured slaves and
a fifth of all other loot taken in war.
(Qur’an 8:41)
“The Son of Man came not
to be served, but to serve.

(Matthew 20:28)
Was never tortured, but tortured others.
(Muslim 4131, Ibn Ishaq 436, 595, 734, 764)
Suffered torture, but never tortured anyone.
“And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah”
(Qur’an 8:39)
“Love your enemies and pray
for those who persecute you

(Matthew 5:44)
Blessed the brutal murder of a half-blind man
(al-Tabari 1440)
Healed a blind man
(Mark 8:28)
Ordered a slave to build the very pulpit
from which he preached Islam.
(Bukhari 47:743)
Washed his disciples feet.
(John 13:5)
What are the Greatest Commandments?
“Belief in Allah and Jihad in His cause”
(Muslim 1:149)
What are the Greatest Commandments?
“Love God and love thy neighbor as thyself.”
(Matthew 22:34-40)
Demanded the protection of armed bodyguards, even in a house of worship
(Qur’an 4:102)
Chastised anyone attempting
to defend him with force.
(John 18:10-12)
Died fat and wealthy from what was
taken from others in war or
demanded from others in tribute.
Demanded nothing for himself.
Died without possessions.
Advocated crucifying others.
(Qur’an 5:33, Muslim 16:4131)
Was crucified himself.
According to his followers:
Had others give their lives for him.
(Sahih Muslim 4413)
According to his followers:
Gave his life for others.
(John 18:11 and elsewhere)


Differences Between
Early Muslims and Early Christians

Muhammad’s Companions…

Jesus’ Disciples…

Lived as warriors. Lived like harmless hippies.
Slew and persecuted religious minorities. Were slain and persecuted
as a religious minority.
Emphasis on Jihad (the way of Muhammad)

“He who fights that Allah’s word should
be superior fights in Allah’s cause”

(Bukhari 53:355)

Emphasis on Evangelism (the way of Jesus)

“Go ye into all the world and preach
the gospel to every creature”

(Matthew 15:16)

Attacked and conquered the populations in
parts of 28 modern countries in just the first
three decades following Muhammad’s death.

Did not resort to violence of any sort,
despite tremendous persecution.

Declared holy war on the people of five
major world religions in just the first
100 years following Muhammad’s death.

Went centuries without declaring ‘holy war’.

Plundered and lived off the wealth of others. Gave away their possessions to those in need.
(Acts 2:44-45)
Captured and enslaved non-Muslim people. Considered themselves to be slaves of others.

Waged war to keep members from leaving
the religion.  Put apostates to death.

No record of aggression toward apostates.

Muhammad’s own family members quickly
fell into armed warfare against each other.

Jesus’ disciples never resorted to violence
against one another (or anyone else).

First 240 Years:
11 of the first 32 caliphs were
murdered by fellow Muslims.

First 240 Years:
14 of the first 25 popes were martyred by
pagans (none by fellow Christians).

Caliphs were polygamous and maintained  harems of hundreds of captured sex slaves. Popes were expected to be celibate.
Islamic mosques sustained by taxes forced from subjugated non-Muslims (the jizya). Christian churches sustained
by voluntary tithes from Christians.


Differences Between
Islamic Teaching and Christianity

The Qur’an The Bible
External sources (the Hadith and Sira) necessary for translating the Qur’an Historical context contained
within the text of the Bible
Must know Arabic in order to “fully understand” the Qur’an (according to Muslim apologists) Universal.  Can be translated into other languages without excessive commentary.
Chronological progression of the
Quran is from peace to violence.
Chronological progression of the
Bible is from violence to peace.
The words ‘torture’ and ‘punishment’ appear six
times more often in the Quran than in the New Testament.
The word ‘love’ appears five times more often in the New Testament than than in the Qur’an,
Contains not a single original moral value. The ‘Sermon on the Mount’ and others.
Suffering is an excuse for violent revenge
and establishment of Islam by force“And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]…and fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah.”
(Qur’an 2:191)
Suffering builds character“We also rejoice in our sufferings,
because we know that suffering
produces perseverance; perseverance,
character; and character, hope”

(Romans 5:4)
Emphasis on this World“And Allah has made you heirs to their land
and their dwellings and their property”

(Qur’an 33:27)
Emphasis on the Next“Mine is not a kingdom of this world”
(John 18:36, see also Luke 14:33)
Kill, convert or subjugate Christians and Jews.
(Qur’an 9:29)
Share one’s faith with gentleness and respect.
(1 Peter 3:15)
Martyrs as Killers

“Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain”
(Qur’an 9:111)

Martyrs as Martyrs

“As it is written, For thy sake we are
killed all the day long; we are
counted as sheep for the slaughter”
(Romans 8:36)

Killing Apostates

“They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them”
(Qur’an 4:89, also Bukhari 52:260, 83:37…)

Letting God Judge Apostates

“For we know Him that has said,
‘Vengeance belongs unto me, I will
recompense,’ says the Lord.  And again,
‘The Lord shall judge his people'”
(Hebrews 10:25-30)

Punishment“Let not compassion move you
from carrying out God’s law…”
(Qur’an 24:2)
Mercy“Love is patient.  Love is kind…
It keeps no record of wrongs”
(1 Corinthians 13:4-5)
Charity and Non-BelieversMercy toward fellow Muslims – ruthlessness toward unbelievers.  Muslims are warned not to befriend those outside the faith.  They must even ensure that their charity tithe (zakat)
stays within their own identity group.
(Qur’an 48:29, 3:28, Sharia)
Charity and Non-BelieversChristians are specifically told that even
those who hate them are entitled to
kindness and charity.  They should be loved
and cared for as surely as any fellow believer.
(Mark 10:25-37)
The Qur’an explicitly instructs
men to beat disobedient wives.
(Qur’an 4:34, Sahih Muslim 2127)
“Husbands, love your wives and
do not be harsh with them.”

(No permission to beat women)
(Colossians 3:19)
Explicitly allows Muslim men to rape their female slaves, even those already married.
(Qur’an 4:24, 70:29-30, 23:5-6…)
Tells masters and slaves to serve
each other as if serving God.
(Ephesians 6:7-9)
Muhammad is the messenger
of Allah. And those who are with him
are ruthless to the unbelievers”
(Qur’an 48:29)
“Do good to them that hate you”
(Luke 6:27)
Allah wills those that stray and are lost
(Qur’an 16:93)
God wants all people saved
(1 Timothy 2:4)
Warns Against Questioning Faith.
(Qur’an 5:101-102)
Welcomes Intellectual Challenge.
(1 Peter 3:15)
Violence as Virtue“Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye
dislike it.  But it is possible that ye
dislike a thing which is good for you, and
that ye love a thing which is bad for you.
But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”
(Qur’an 2:216)
Violence as Sin“Do not take revenge, my friends, but
leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written:
‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord. On the contrary: ‘If your enemy
is hungry,  feed him… ‘”
(Romans 12:19-20)
Hell for unbelief.
Good deeds count for naught
(Qur’an 18:102-107)
Hell for bad deeds and the
failure to do what is right
(Romans 2:6-8, Matthew 16:27, Matthew 25:41-45)
Judging“Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites!  Be harsh with them…”
(Qur’an 9:73)
Judge Not“For when you pass judgment on another person, you condemn yourself…”
(Romans 2:1)
Taking wealth from others“Allah promiseth you much
booty that ye will capture…”
(Qur’an 48:20)
Workingfor and giving wealth to others“The thief must no longer steal but must
work hard and do what is good with his
own hands, so that he might have
something to give to the needy.”

(Ephesians 4:28)
Calls down Allah’s curse on Christians
and those of other religions.
(Qur’an 9:30)
Calls down God’s blessing on
those who curse Christians.
(Matthew 5:44)
Arrogance & Privilege

“Ye are the best of peoples,
evolved for mankind”

(Qur’an 3:110)

Humility & Servitude“If anyone wants to be first, he must make himself last of all and servant of all.”
(Mark 9:35)
“O you who believe! do not take My
enemy and your enemy for friends:
Would you offer them love while they deny what has come to you of the truth?
(Qur’an 60:1)
“Love your enemies…”
(Luke 6:27)


Differences Between the Islamic
and Christian-Based Worlds

Muslim Legacy

Christian Legacy

Countries that Muslims want to escape from. Countries that Muslims want to escape to.
Madrassahs that indoctrinate Muslim
children with bigotry and terror.
Mission schools that teach reading and
writing to Christians and Muslims alike.
Suicide bombings for Allah No suicide bombings for Jesus
International terror organizations. International charities.
No formal charities for non-Muslims. Leading provider of disaster relief to Muslims.
Murder of aid workers. Supply of aid workers.
Christians in jail for apostasy or blasphemy. Religious freedom.
Modern-day slavery in the name of Islam. Abolition in the name of Christianity.
Muslim clerics who engage
in or condone terrorism.
Christian clerics murdered each year by
terror groups rife with Muslim clerics.
Daily religious violence against Hindus. None.
Daily religious violence against Jews. None.
Daily religious violence against Buddhists. None.
Daily religious violence against Muslims. None.
Ritual slitting of animals’ throats Ending of animal sacrifice
Religion Technology & Medicine
Censorship Freedom of speech
Intolerance for criticism of Islam. Tolerance for religious dissent.
Restricting other religions from preaching faith. Allowing all religions the
same right to evangelize.
Conversions allowed to Islam only. Freedom of conscience.
Converts to Christianity beheaded. No dead converts to Islam.
Most famous Muslim: Osama bin Laden. Most famous Christian: The Pope.


To no one’s surprise, the 24-inch “beheading” knife with which this
devout Muslim is posing is inscribed with a verse from the “Holy” Qur’an.

Read More at TheReligionOfPeace.Com 

 Myths of Islam

Islam Watch

Creeping Sharia

Stop The Islamization of America

The Third Jihad – Radical Islam’s Vision for America – (A Clarion Project Film)

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Oklahoma: Muslim BEHEADS Female Co-Worker At Food-Processing Plant, Starts to Behead Another Before being Shot, Tried to Convert Co-Workers to Islam

Oklahoma: Muslim BEHEADS Female Co-Worker At Food-Processing Plant, Starts to Behead Another Before being Shot, Tried to Convert Co-Workers to Islam


The Islamic ritual slaughter of beheading  has moved past Iraq, Syria, Algeria, Philippines and into the streets of London and now the American workplace.

Qur’an 47:4: “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…”

Former co-workers said he tried to convert them to Islam after recently converting himself. The New York Daily News does not mention that salient fact in its coverage here but they will run vicious attacks on our jihad-awareness ads.


Sgt. Lewis confirms that Colleen Hufford was stabbed several times and that Nolen “severed her head.”

At that point, Lewis claims Nolen met 43-year-old Traci Johnson and began attacking her with the same knife.

Officials say at that point, Mark Vaughn, an Oklahoma County reserve deputy and a former CEO of the business, shot him as he was actively stabbing Johnson.

If the former CEO hadn’t had a gun how many more infidels would this jihadist have beheaded. The second amendment saves lives.


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Man Beheads Woman At Food-Processing Plant
The 30-year-old suspect, who also stabbed another woman, recently started trying to convert colleagues to Islam, say police. Sky News US Team, September 26, 2014

A man has beheaded a woman at a food-processing plant in Oklahoma, police have confirmed.

The knife attack happened at a food-processing plant in Moore on Thursday afternoon.

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Police said the suspect also stabbed another woman in the incident at Vaughan Foods, after he was fired.

The attacker, identified as Alton Nolen, was shot by police and taken to hospital.

Moore Police spokesman Jeremy Lewis said the 30-year-old suspect “recently started trying to convert some of his co-workers to the Muslim faith”. The FBI are involved.

– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/09/oklahoma-muslim-beheads-female-colleague-at-food-processing-plant.html/#sthash.yiuNLxjl.dpuf