Promoting The Power Of The Sword


Promoting The Power Of The Sword

by Russell D. Longcore

Secessionist movements are found in many states. But with the exception of the groups in the state of Texas, most groups are not getting much traction with the populace. Organizations such as Freedom Texas, The Republic of Texas and The Texas Nationalist Movement have been very successful in promoting Texas statehood, and are well known for their effectiveness. But petition drives, printed flyers and radio spots may not be the best way to promote secession.

Today, I would like to offer an idea to help ALL the secessionist organizations promote state secession as well as to promote The Power of the Sword.

As I wrote in Secession and the Power of the Sword 2015, openly promoting militias during the death throes of the United States government in Washington DC could be considered domestic terrorism. But the states need…

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