Puzzle Pieces For (Troubled) America And It’s Fundamental Transformation

You Decide.

What Are They Up To? Exactly What is The Agenda For The 20th Anniversary of The
Million Man March That They Are Calling “Justice Or Else!” Set For October 10th, set up by the same people. What Are We To Make of All This? Should Americans Be Concerned? Is The Upcoming ‘March In D.C. Something To Worry About, Or Is It All a Bunch of hyped up nothing? What Do You Think About All These Connections, With One Now of them being the sitting President of The United States, and has vowed it’s “fundamental transformation”. Not sure if these articles are all entirely true or not. Given the atmosphere in our society, are we being divided to turn us into an islamic, or moslem nation?


There are reasons that Al Sharpton is a White House favorite. And their relationship started
well before Obama’s 1st inauguration. As demonstrated in the links, information and
quotes to follow. What is their agenda? What say you?

Obama, Sharpton & Wright Helped Organize Louis
Farrakhan’s Million Man March in 1995 (about
1/2 way down page). There is another one
scheduled for October they refer to as Justice
or Else.



Al Sharpton 1992 – “I’ll Use Hate To Achieve
Racial Justice”


1995 Video Surfaces of Barack Obama Revealing


Barack Obama to Khalid Muhammad: Two Degrees
of Separation. Also Khalid Al Mansour
Connection to Obama (funding Harvard


Al Sharpton Khalid Muhammad Exterminate Whites

Obama Caught On Camera 2007


1995 Video Surfaces of Barack Obama Revealing


“I am Iranian by birth and of my Islamic faith. I am also an American Citizen and I seek to help change America to be a more Islamic country. My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself.” ~ Valerie Jarrett, Stanford University, 1977


1995 Video of Eric Holder: We Must ‘Brainwash’
People Against Guns


Terrorist Training Camps In US

Terrorist Training Camps in the U.S.


Video of Muslim Terrorists Training for
Warfare Right Here in the USA!


Islam ‘Peace’ Conference Video


The Third Jihad


They like to call us ‘islamofauxbic’ and ‘racists (how does that one even work?) for pointing out facts that they say don’t exist.

American Muslims celebrating 9/11:


Admiral (Ret) James Lyons Just Divulged Secret
Muslims Don’t Want you to Know


Obama Paving Way For Muslim Takeover


US Pacific Fleet Commander Drops Bombshell
About Obama and Muslim Brotherhood


Their words and statistics tell us that they infiltrate to dominate, not assimilate. They ‘peaceful’ until they reach enough numbers to behave otherwise.

Muslim Immigration – They Are Taking Over The
World At An Alarming Rate.


They tell us what they are going to do, and how they are going to do it. Yet this administration, and other world leaders, are telling that, either they don’t mean it or they’re not a threat at all, just a JV team, it’s not islam, bring them on in, heck fire we’ve trained 4 or 5 resistance fighters already.
UK: Imam calls on Muslims to take welfare and
make jihad


They are having a 20th year anniversary next month. Set up by the very same people. The comments under that video are inexplicably unbelievable. One refers to Farrakhan as “The Vicegerent of Christ”.

Million Man March 20th Anniversary, JUSTICE OR
ELSE, Washington D.C.,| Oct. 2015 | Promo




Muslim Brotherhood Web Of Deceit

CAIR Exposed and Several More Free Document
Downloads For Patriots




Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life

Part 1 of 12
Takes a Good, Hard Look At The Dirty Dealings of Both Bill and Hillary Clinton

Bill and Hillary Clinton Young


This documentary, entitled Bill Clinton: His Life, came out in 2004, right about the same time as the autobiography, Bill Clinton: My Life. It takes a good, hard look at the dirty dealings of both Bill and Hillary Clinton but, for some reason never achieved the popularity of Michael Moore’s fantasy film, Fahrenheit 911. This movie has been thoroughly suppressed by our left-wing media to the point that it’s not listed on IMDb, nor can you find anything about it through a Google search. Hopefully that will change now that it’s been made available on YouTube. Watch and learn how the Clintons turned the White House into a headquarters for organized crime, communist spying and murder, all while the Clinton-friendly media kept the public distracted by focusing on a few of Slick Willy’s petty sexual encounters.

Follow Links At YouTube For All 12 Parts. Please Share and Thank You!https://youtu.be/a0-HkVcMOSw

Hillary Hitler

Saul Alinsky Socialist State

Hillary and Saul Alinsky

Hillary Letter To Saul Alinsky

Hillary Admires Margaret Sanger

Hillary Watergate To Bengahzi

Hillary What Difference Does It Make

Hillary Fired 1974 2

Hillary Unethical 1974 1992

Hillary Unethical 1974 1992 2

Left To Die Benghazi


We Will Not Forget Benghazi

Say No To Hillary Benghazi

Navy Seals Benghazi

Never Forget Benghazi

Phony Scandals Benghazi

What Difference Does It Make Benghazi

3 Times Denied Benghazi

SHOCK NEWS: Senior Advisor to President Obama, Valerie Jarrett Born in Iran | Helps to drive Admin Policy

SHOCK NEWS: Senior Advisor to President Obama, Valerie Jarrett Born in Iran | Helps to drive Admin Policy

July 6, 2012   Inside the News   17 Comments

The Real Woman behind Obama is Iranian Born Jarrett

For most Americans Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser to President Barack Obama, remains largely an unknown. To DC Insiders, she has positioned herself as the true power in the Oval Office – a woman who, like the President, has direct links to the Muslim world, both past – and present.

Despite the information being easily accessed, most Americans are likely still unaware that Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran, and spent her first five years in that country.  Like Barack Obama, Jarrett’s initial experience was not as an American, but an American/Muslim hybrid.  According to an American Spectator report in August of 2008, the Obama campaign had initiated an aggressive program to hide Jarrett’s Iranian background.  This program received significant help from certain media figures who were only too happy to comply with the Obama camp’s request that Jarrett’s Middle East ties were not made a public matter – even as Iranian.com declared Jarrett its “Iranian of the Day” that same month of August.  Also during that same time period, Barack Obama admitted to the New York Times that,  “I trust her (Jarrett) to speak for me, particularly when we’re dealing with delicate issues” and that he ran every important decision by her first.

A 2010 New York Times article cited the following regarding the Obama administration’s ever increasing involvement with Muslim groups – led of course by Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett:  Muslim and Arab-American advocates have participated in policy discussions and received briefings from top White House aides and other officials on health care legislation, foreign policy, the economy, immigration and national security. They have met privately with a senior White House adviser,Valerie Jarrett.

“We haven’t seen anything like this in modern presidential history,” said Klein. “One person who is the best friend of 

the First Lady and the soulmate of the President, who is the last person to leave the Oval Office after a meeting, goes upstairs to the family quarters, has dinner with the President. Goes on vacation with them. Has his ear. Is de facto president of the United States.”

“Wow, that’s big,” said Doocy. “Well, let’s talk about her resume. Does she have the resume to have this job?”

No, she doesn’t,” replied Klein. “But what she does have is the trust of Michelle Obama, number one, whom she hired in Chicago, and the President, who uses her as his gatekeeper.”

Is Barack Hussein Obama A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood

Scroll Down For Video

Obama Facts

Wanted Treason


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Ramblin' Randy

look_whos_praying[1]The U.S. is now a Muslim country. It’s that simple. Let me explain.

If you are a Christian in America today, you are a second class citizen.  You can not pray in school, or at work if you work for government.  Our religious symbols are not allowed to be displayed in public places.

As Christians have had to suppress their religious beliefs, Muslims have come to the forefront.  Not only are Muslims taking a more visible role in government, they are not faced with the restrictions Christians face.  Christian Chaplains in the military are forbidden to say “Jesus” in their ministries.

Several years ago, Obama changed NASA’s vision from flying in space to spreading the word on the contribution Muslims supplied to math and science.  We still fly, but bum rides from other nations.

The National Park Service this past week released a documentary proclaiming Muslims are the leaders in women rights. …

View original post 284 more words

A Word To Rioting Muslims

Massacre In Nairobi Mall

Jihadist Savages



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