U.S. generals now take action to watch Obama

WASHINGTON – After one of them called for the “forced resignations” of President Obama and congressional leaders in response to multiple grievances, including the alleged political purge of hundreds of senior military officers, two retired U.S. generals are creating a citizens’ commission to scrutinize Obama administration actions on national security and economic issues.

“America’s Provisional Leadership Council” will look at major concerns, as outlined by Army Gen. Paul E. Vallely and Air Force Brig. Gen. Charles Jones, in an eight-point paper titled “The Americans Project.”

Vallely told WND he sees The Americans Project as a “citizens’ commission” of prominent Americans to provide advice to legislative and executive branches of government.

America’s leaders, he said, will be “held to high standards of performance to solve the nation’s problems of governing. We will scrutinize and provide guidance to federally elected officials on behalf of the citizens.”

The Americans Project, Vallely added, is a “movement, not a new party necessarily. We want candidates to run as Americans first before being a Democrat, Republican or Independent.”

Vallely, who today is chairman of the organization Stand Up America, served as the deputy commanding general of Pacific Command.

Jones, who is vice chairman of The Americans Project of Stand Up America, held numerous Air Force command positions including a tactical fighter wing, a strategic airlift wing and a special operations group.

In calling for the forced resignations of Obama and the leadership of Congress, Vallely outlined suggestions for nationwide rallies and said a peaceful “civil uprising is still not out of question.”

The current crop of leaders, he said, must face a “demand resignation” process, which he explained requires massive grassroots protests and social networking which he envisions can be undertaken through his organization. And example of a “forced resignation,” he said, was that of President Richard Nixon.

“Our federal government continues down the path of destroying America,” Vallely said. “Americans must now stand up and put America back on the right track.”

Workable solution

Vallely and Jones in their paper say “The Americans” leadership has developed workable solutions to “help solve and fix what has without question stunted our nation’s ability to clearly, legally and peacefully function as a constitutional republic.”

“Honest, selfless political leadership is the first key to America’s economic and debt recovery and secure future for all citizens and their children,” they say. “That means voters must band together and vote for positive ‘America first’ leadership rather than self-serving greed and corruption within the two major political parties that have for decades and are now rapidly tearing the United States of America apart.”

In their paper, Vallely and Jones call for adherence to the Constitution with strict congressional oversight of all executive actions.

In an apparent reference to the cutback in overall U.S. military readiness, they call for a strong national defense but stipulate that “in no way” would the U.S. military ever be used against U.S. citizens, a reference to a growing concern among many Americans.

The paper decried the historic $17 trillion government debt, concerns over continued unemployment and excessive tax rates on businesses and citizens.

Their solutions? Vallely and Jones call for abolishing the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service system, the intended result of which would be that “all political plundering of the peoples’ wealth via taxation will be stopped.”

In abolishing the Federal Reserve System, all U.S. government financial and economic functions would be turned back to the U.S. Treasury.

The IRS would be immediately abolished and replaced by a sales tax on specified items for partial financing of the U.S. government.

The retired generals condemned the illegal alien “invasion,” which they said would be stopped with a secured border double fence, calling for penalties on employers who hire illegal aliens.

“There will be absolutely no jobs, no social services, no welfare nor medical services allowed to be provided to illegal alien invaders,” they say, with the exception of emergency medical care only until the illegals can be deported.

“American jobs are for U.S. citizens, returning military veterans, part-time high school students and the elderly,” they said. “When U.S. employers cannot find workers and can fully justify seeking foreign workers, government permission will be granted for hiring temporary foreign workers.”

Eliminating agencies

They also called for the elimination and consolidation of a number of federal agencies, some of which, like the Department of Homeland Security, they say, have exceeded their authority.

“The DHS with functions for national security and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) for emergencies have both grown far beyond the intentions of reasonable and responsible leadership control, budgeting, manpower, equipment and facilities,” they say.

“Deceptive political intentions for the potential use of facilities, weapons, massive purchases of ammunition plus military-type vehicles and railroad cars are greatly objectionable to American citizens and an insult to the economic deficit of the nation,” they said.

DHS jobs could be given to the Department of Defense and the Interior Department, they claim. And FEMA would be recast as the National Emergency Agency with a reduction in manpower and merged into the Interior Department to be deployed during national emergencies.

“All weapons, munitions and military-type vehicles will be transferred to the DOD immediately,” they add.

They’d get rid of the Department of Energy and, no surprise, repeal Obamacare.

“It is critically important for American citizens to know and understand that the United States of America cannot recover from the unsustainable manmade national debt crises unless satisfactory employment is archived for a majority of U.S. citizens and that requires the existing income tax and Federal Reserve Systems to be abolished, then changed to a greatly reduced method of funding the federal government,” they said.

With the elimination of the income tax, businesses and corporations would return to the U.S., making manufacturing more competitive worldwide, with jobs emerging “in great numbers” and resulting in a booming economy.

Destructing ‘before our very eyes’

Vallely told WND the nation he long defended is self-destructing “before our very eyes,” because of “our inept and incompetent leadership in Washington.”

“The battle is on,” he added, “and we shall not retreat.”

Vallely, who has also served as a Fox News military analyst, claimed the Obama administration and leadership of Congress have been leading the nation down a road of “progressive socialism.”

The retired general said the U.S. faces a battle that is unknown to generations of Americans, and that the fate of the nation is “now in our hands” to enforce the Constitution and “severely limit the federal government and its out-of-control spending.”

Vallely added that “politics as usual will not be effective or sufficient enough to turn the country around.”

“We are in a war for America,” he told WND, adding that Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Dr. Ben Carson, the noted brain surgeon and author o“America the Beautiful” and other bestselling books have made similar observations.

“A civil uprising is still not out of the question as ‘pain’ grips the country more each day,” Vallely said, adding that there is time to change the country in a peaceful way.

‘This means raising your voice now’

“This means raising your voice now to your neighbors, family, co-workers and friends,” he said. “Be the captains of your souls. I pray for another George Washington to appear within the year and lead us.”

One of the issues that alarms Vallely is the high number of senior officers in the U.S. military who have been fired under the Obama administration, a toll estimated at one officer per week. Indeed, Vallely has been very outspoken on what he calls a “purge” of the U.S. military by the Obama administration – with a stunning nine generals and flag officers relieved of duty this year alone.

WND has been reporting on the surge of firings, suspensions and dismissals, for which Vallely has assigned a good portion of the blame to Obama’s close adviser, Valerie Jarrett. Rampant “political correctness” due to her influence, Vallely tells WND, is now permeating the military and negatively affecting everyone from top generals to the ranks of the enlisted.

According to Vallely, Obama is “intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing the U.S. as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”

Vallely equated the current treatment of U.S. senior military officers watching over what is said and done among mid-level officers and enlisted ranks to that of the “political commissars from the Communist era.”

He also told WND that the White House won’t investigate its own officials, but finds it easy to fire military commanders “who have given their lives for their country.”

‘Bought into Obama’s ideology’

“Obama will not purge a civilian or political appointee because they have bought into Obama’s ideology,” Vallely said. “The White House protects their own. That’s why they stalled on the investigation into Fast and Furious, Benghazi and Obamacare. … Anyone in the ranks who speaks out is being purged.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/11/u-s-generals-now-take-action-to-watch-obama/#tc3Yp01MmY22Bkkv.99

U.S. generals now take action to watch Obama.

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Obama FBI Partners With Leftist Extremist Group

Obama FBI Partners With Leftist Extremist Group

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NOVEMBER 23, 2013 BY  via Western Journalism

Photo credit:  StretchyBill (Creative Commons)

Photo credit: StretchyBill (Creative Commons)

“The magnitude of this Obama administration’s “progressive” radicalism becomes more evident with each passing day. In recent months, there has been a drastic spike in acts of both anti-Christian and anti-conservative discrimination and intimidation on military bases across the country. This mounting harassment is not being carried out at the hands of regular enlisted folk but, rather, at the hands of high-ranking officials who, in their official capacity, are targeting Christian and conservative organizations and individuals in an effort to silence them.

It has long been suspected that the Obama administration is using propaganda circulated by the roundly discredited Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a left-wing extremist group that, in recent years, has adopted two primary goals: 1) raising truckloads of money and 2) smearing as “domestic hate groups” dozens of mainstream Christian ministries like the Family Research Council (FRC) and the American Family Association (AFA.)

This suspicion has now been verified.

The problem on military bases has gotten so bad, in fact, that the U.S. Congress is demanding answers from the Pentagon. Recently, the AFA-affiliated OneNewsNow.com newsgroup reported that “Congressman Alan Nunnelee (R-Mississippi) is 1 of 38 members of Congress signing off on a letter to the Secretary of the Army – especially about an incident last month at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, in which the Tupelo-based American Family Association was labeled in Army training material as a ‘hate group.’ The Army initially claimed it was an isolated incident.

“‘But as we looked into it, [we found] this is not an isolated incident,’ Nunnelee [told] OneNewsNow. ‘There are a number of cases where the Army has singled out the American Family Association and other Christian organizations as hate groups, and service men and women have been threatened with sanctions if they support these groups.”

After a tremendous public outcry – and in an embarrassing slap to the face of the SPLC – the Pentagon quickly backpedaled, later apologizing about the Camp Shelby incident and publicly admitting that, despite the SPLC’s absurd claims to the contrary, the AFA is not a “hate group.”

Still, rather than distancing itself from the anti-Christian SPLC as one might expect, the Obama administration has, instead, strengthened ties to the hard-left outfit. Even after this string of military scandals.

For instance, I recently learned that on its official website, the FBI lists as one of its primary “hate crimes resources” the Southern Poverty Law Center.

This is especially mysterious when you consider that the FBI’s own verified hate crimes statistics are completely at odds with numbers put out by the SPLC in its fundraising propaganda. Whereas the FBI indicates that there was a sharp 24.3 percent decrease in hate crimes from 1996 to 2010, with racial hate crimes dropping by 41.9 percent, the SPLC incongruously claims that since 2000, the number of “hate groups” has somehow increased by 67.3 percent.

So send your money right away!

The FBI’s empirical data doesn’t track with the SPLC’s political propaganda. Consequently, by partnering so closely with this discredited organization, the Department of Justice significantly undermines its own credibility.

Still, while the SPLC has proven utterly unreliable in its actuarial acumen – as well as intentionally dishonest – it has also proven demonstrably dangerous in its prolonged campaign of anti-Christian agitation.

You may recall that it was the Southern Poverty Law Center’s somewhat clever, yet patently dishonest and reprehensible, strategy of juxtaposing, as fellow “hate groups,” mainstream Christian organizations like the FRC and the AFA alongside violent extremist groups like the Aryan Brotherhood and the Skin Heads that, on Aug. 15, 2012, led to an actual act of domestic terrorism.

On that date, “gay” activist Floyd Lee Corkins II – who later confessed in court that he was spurred-on by the SPLC’s anti-Christian materials – entered the lobby of the Washington-based Family Research Council intending to kill every Christian within.

Corkins was armed with both a gun and a backpack full of ammunition. He also had 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches that he intended to rub in the faces of his would-be victims. (FRC had recently defended the food chain’s COO Dan Cathy for pro-natural marriage statements he made.)

The only thing standing between Corkins and mass murder was FRC facilities manager and security specialist Leo Johnson. As Corkins shouted disapproval for FRC’s “politics,” he shot Johnson who, despite a severely wounded arm, managed to tackle Corkins and disarm him….”

Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/obama-fbi-partners-leftist-extremist-group/#UVLizE89rwBAmEmf.99

Obama FBI Partners With Leftist Extremist Group.

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Muslim Holiday Ashoura: Islamic Blood Rituals on American Streets

Muslim Holiday Ashoura: Islamic Blood Rituals on American Streets

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by  via FreedomOutPost.Com

Ashoura is a bloody Shi’ite Muslim ritual where the men beat themselves to a bloody pulp. The craziness. (WARNING: Graphic Photos and video – Remember, this is all taking place inside the United States)

Once again the annual bloody ritual of Ashura is upon us. Muslims flagellate themselves and their children with whips and chains until bloody to commemorate the death of our President’s namesake, Hussein. Why is this savagery tolerated in the US, considering that blood borne illnesses could be hazardous and such? But it’s more important to adhere to and to respect the sharia and not offend Islam. That is the priority.

Here are some snaps from across the world.

Scroll for the blood on the streets of American cities. How this is permitted in this country is inexplicable.


A Shi’ite Muslim is sprayed with rose water as he flagellates himself during a Muharram procession to mark Ashura in Mumbai November 15, 2013.


A Shi’ite Muslim woman gets her child gashed with a knife during a Muharram procession to mark Ashura in the old quarters of Delhi November 15, 2013.


Blood splattered face of a Muslim boy looks on during the Ashura religious festival in Yangon, November 15, 2013. Ashura, which falls on the 10th day of the Islamic month of Muharram.


Bring the kids.  Fun for the whole family.


Shi’ite Muslims take part in a Muharram procession to mark Ashura in the old quarters of Delhi November 15, 2013.  REUTERS/Ahmad Masood  Fun for the whole family: Shia Muslims boys flagellate themselves during a Muharram procession ahead of Ashura in Amroha, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, November 13, 2013. Ashura, which falls on the 10th day of the Islamic month of Muharram, commemorates the death of Imam Hussein, grandson of Prophet Mohammad, who was killed in the 7th century battle of Kerbala.


Iraqi Shi’ite Muslims bleed after hitting their foreheads with swords and beating themselves during the religious festival of Ashura in Baghdad, November 14, 2013.
REUTERS/Thaier Al-Sudani


Ashoura in India.


Ashoura in Lebanon


Ashoura in Afghanistan


Look at what went down in American cities. 

Shiite Blood Rituals On Streets Of New York By Brandon WalkerFree Patriot, November 16, 2013


November 14 marked the Islamic holiday Ashoura is a day that is celebrated differently by the two sects of Islam. For the Sunni Muslims it is a day of fasting in remembrance of the Passover feast in common with the Hebrews. For the Shiite Muslims it is a day of blood sacrifice in revenge of the loss of Mohamed’s grandson. They even continue the blood letting on kids. This is not the Middle East you see, but Missouri. They even had sacrifice in the streets of New York.

The practice dates back to the day Mohamed was tricked by the moon goddess Ashura. For the Muslims, the day as a day of remembrance is separated at that point. For the Sunni Muslims it is the day they celebrate Musa (Moses) led the Israelites out of Egypt to freedom. It sounds weird that a Muslim sect that feels that Hebrews are no better than Cattle or Pigs (Qur’an 8:55). However, the Shiite Muslims “Celebrate” a different meaning.

To the Shiite Muslims, it is a day to morn the loss of Mohamed’s grandson in the Battle of Karbala. They believe in the cutting of one’s self and the letting of blood on all males, including children, for the blood lost by the grandson. They are also the branch with a Fatwah and a Jihad against the United States. However, the radical faction is practicing right here in the US.

In New York:

In Missouri:

In Georgia:

In Detroit:

And including children in Nebraska:

If you thought the branch with a Jihad in the United States, the ones that are in charge of Iran, are not here, this is an eye opener. They are not only here, but are practicing right inside the US.

Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/11/muslim-holiday-ashoura-islamic-blood-rituals-american-streets/#ixzz2lQpJWSDx
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/11/muslim-holiday-ashoura-islamic-blood-rituals-american-streets/#cv1JczSRIUuQ53sV.99

Muslim Holiday Ashoura: Islamic Blood Rituals on American Streets.

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Who Killed the Kennedys? Ronald Reagan’s Answer…

Who Killed the Kennedys? Ronald Reagan’s Answer…

Ronald Reagan SC

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Nov 22nd, 2013 @ 11:22 am › Paul G. Kengor
Via WesternJournalism.Com

This year marks not only the 50th anniversary of the shooting of John F. Kennedy but also the 45th anniversary of the shooting of Robert F. Kennedy, which occurred in June 1968. Was there a common source motivating the assassins of both Kennedys—that is, Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan?

That renowned political philosopher Mick Jagger speculated on a source. “I shouted out ‘Who killed the Kennedys?’” asks the lyrics in the 1968 song by The Rolling Stones. “When, after all, it was you and me.” The song was titled, “Sympathy for the Devil.” It was, The Rolling Stones suggested, the Devil who had killed the Kennedys, along with his accomplices.

I must say I can’t disagree with that one—a rare area of agreement between me and Mick Jagger.

There is, however, a more earthly answer. And it was provided, surprisingly, by a rising political star in the immediate hours after the shooting of Bobby Kennedy. That star was the new governor of California, Ronald Reagan.

RFK was shot in Governor Reagan’s state. Reagan was no stranger to Bobby Kennedy. He had debated him a year earlier on national television, which didn’t go well for RFK, with Reagan clearly outshining him. Kennedy told his handlers to never again put him on the same stage with “that son-of-a-b—-.”

That debate occurred five years after Bobby Kennedy had intervened to get Reagan fired from his long stint as host of the top-rated GE Theatre on CBS—a fact unknown until it was revealed by Michael Reagan in his excellent book, The New Reagan Revolution. Typical of Reagan, he harbored no bitterness toward RFK. That was quite unlike Bobby Kennedy, a man who personally knew how to hold a grudge.

On June 5, 1968, Reagan was full of nothing but sympathy for RFK. He appeared on the popular television show of Joey Bishop, one of the extended members of Frank Sinatra’s Rat Pack. Bishop and Reagan were old Hollywood friends, and Bishop extended the governor a platform to address the shooting. A transcript of Reagan’s appearance on that show was grabbed by his young chief of staff, Bill Clark, who died just a few months ago. Clark shoved it in a box that ended up in the tack barn at his ranch in central California. It lay there until I, as Clark’s biographer, dug it out three decades later.

That rare surviving transcript reveals a Reagan who spoke movingly about RFK and the entire Kennedy family. Condemning the “savage act,” Reagan pleaded: “I am sure that all of us are praying not only for him but for his family and for those others who were so senselessly struck down also in the fusillade of bullets…. I believe we should go on praying, to the best of our ability.”

But particularly interesting was how Reagan unflinchingly pointed a finger of blame in the direction of Moscow. Reagan noted that Kennedy’s killer, Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian Arab and also a communist, had shot Kennedy because of his support of Israel during the Six Day War that had occurred exactly one year earlier. On that, we now know beyond dispute what Reagan knew then: That war had been shamelessly provoked by the Kremlin.

Looking to exploit divisions in the Middle East and further exacerbate America’s foreign-policy problems at the time (we were mired in Vietnam), Soviet officials cooked up false intelligence reports claiming that Israeli troops had been moved into the Golan Heights and were readying to invade Syria. They peddled the malicious, phony information to Egypt and other Arab states for the explicit purpose of creating a military confrontation with Israel. The Israeli leader, Levi Eshkol, immediately denounced the accusation, telling the Soviet ambassador to his face that there were no Israeli troops there whatsoever, and offering to personally drive him to the Golan at once. Acting on orders, the ambassador flatly refused, shouting “Nyet!” at Eshkol and storming out of the prime minister’s residence. The Egyptians, too, checked their intelligence sources and found no evidence of Israeli troops in the Golan. Nonetheless, the pieces were in motion, and one thing dangerously led to another until everything spiraled out of control. Within mere weeks, the Six Day War was on—precipitated by the Kremlin. The egregious depths of Soviet disinformation spawned a major Middle East war.

RFK supported Israel in that war. Sirhan Sirhan never forgave him for that. He killed him for that.

Again, Ronald Reagan knew about the Soviet role in instigating the conflict, which he apparently pieced together via various reports at the time. As a result, he linked Bobby Kennedy’s assassination to the USSR’s mischief in the Middle East. “The enemy sits in Moscow,” Reagan told Joey Bishop. “I call him an enemy because I believe he has proven this, by deed, in the Middle East. The actions of the enemy led to and precipitated the tragedy of last night.”

Moscow had precipitated the Six Day War in June 1967, which, in turn, had prompted RFK’s assassin in June 1968.

But Reagan wasn’t finished positioning blame where it deserved to be placed. Eight days later, on July 13, 1968, Reagan delivered a forgotten speech in Indianapolis. Both the Indianapolis News and Indianapolis Star reported on Reagan’s remarks, but the only full transcript I’ve seen was likewise located in Bill Clark’s private papers. In that speech, Reagan leveled this charge at international communism, with an earlier Kennedy assassination in mind: “Five years ago, a president was murdered by one who renounced his American citizenship to embrace the godless philosophy of communism, and it was communist violence he brought to our land. The shattering sound of his shots were still ringing in our ears when a policy decision was made to play down his communist attachment lest we provoke the Soviet Union.”

Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/killed-kennedys-ronald-reagans-answer/#madsgyDcyl7eIrXv.99

Who Killed the Kennedys? Ronald Reagan’s Answer….

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Dad Arrested for Picking Kids Up at School

Dad Arrested for Picking Kids Up at School

dad arrested

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In another display of the overwhelming power of the public school system, a Tennessee father was arrested for trying to pick his child up from school at the end of the day. The dad arrived by foot to pick his son up from school at 2:00pm, the school’s dismissal time. However, he was told that he could not walk his son out due to a new school policy of only dismissing car riders at 2:00pm. Any student walking has to wait until 2:35pm to leave. The father pointed out that the new policy was likely intended for kids walking home alone – not for children whose parents are there to walk them out.

Unfortunately for everyone, the school resource officer was in the office at the same time and decided that the father was being belligerent and rude. He warned the dad that he would be arrested if he didn’t stop agitating for his son’s release.

When the father insisted that he did not need a reason to take his son out of school and that the school has no legal grounds to keep his son until 2:35, the officer pressed forward.

“I’m going to call some help down here and we’re going to take you up to the jail right now… I’m not putting up with this today. You’re being childish and it’s uncalled for.”

In the end, the father does not back down from his argument. The school has no right to hold his son against his parents’ will – which is when the officer arrests him for being “disorderly.” Fortunately for us, it was all caught on video, and we can see just how long the arms of the law can be – even unjust law.

Read more at http://eaglerising.com/3071/dad-arrested-picking-kids-school/#7sI6GiXK1QTPmMXE.99

Dad Arrested for Picking Kids Up at School.

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