Puzzle Pieces For (Troubled) America And It’s Fundamental Transformation

You Decide.

What Are They Up To? Exactly What is The Agenda For The 20th Anniversary of The
Million Man March That They Are Calling “Justice Or Else!” Set For October 10th, set up by the same people. What Are We To Make of All This? Should Americans Be Concerned? Is The Upcoming ‘March In D.C. Something To Worry About, Or Is It All a Bunch of hyped up nothing? What Do You Think About All These Connections, With One Now of them being the sitting President of The United States, and has vowed it’s “fundamental transformation”. Not sure if these articles are all entirely true or not. Given the atmosphere in our society, are we being divided to turn us into an islamic, or moslem nation?


There are reasons that Al Sharpton is a White House favorite. And their relationship started
well before Obama’s 1st inauguration. As demonstrated in the links, information and
quotes to follow. What is their agenda? What say you?

Obama, Sharpton & Wright Helped Organize Louis
Farrakhan’s Million Man March in 1995 (about
1/2 way down page). There is another one
scheduled for October they refer to as Justice
or Else.



Al Sharpton 1992 – “I’ll Use Hate To Achieve
Racial Justice”


1995 Video Surfaces of Barack Obama Revealing


Barack Obama to Khalid Muhammad: Two Degrees
of Separation. Also Khalid Al Mansour
Connection to Obama (funding Harvard


Al Sharpton Khalid Muhammad Exterminate Whites

Obama Caught On Camera 2007


1995 Video Surfaces of Barack Obama Revealing


“I am Iranian by birth and of my Islamic faith. I am also an American Citizen and I seek to help change America to be a more Islamic country. My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself.” ~ Valerie Jarrett, Stanford University, 1977


1995 Video of Eric Holder: We Must ‘Brainwash’
People Against Guns


Terrorist Training Camps In US

Terrorist Training Camps in the U.S.


Video of Muslim Terrorists Training for
Warfare Right Here in the USA!


Islam ‘Peace’ Conference Video


The Third Jihad


They like to call us ‘islamofauxbic’ and ‘racists (how does that one even work?) for pointing out facts that they say don’t exist.

American Muslims celebrating 9/11:


Admiral (Ret) James Lyons Just Divulged Secret
Muslims Don’t Want you to Know


Obama Paving Way For Muslim Takeover


US Pacific Fleet Commander Drops Bombshell
About Obama and Muslim Brotherhood


Their words and statistics tell us that they infiltrate to dominate, not assimilate. They ‘peaceful’ until they reach enough numbers to behave otherwise.

Muslim Immigration – They Are Taking Over The
World At An Alarming Rate.


They tell us what they are going to do, and how they are going to do it. Yet this administration, and other world leaders, are telling that, either they don’t mean it or they’re not a threat at all, just a JV team, it’s not islam, bring them on in, heck fire we’ve trained 4 or 5 resistance fighters already.
UK: Imam calls on Muslims to take welfare and
make jihad


They are having a 20th year anniversary next month. Set up by the very same people. The comments under that video are inexplicably unbelievable. One refers to Farrakhan as “The Vicegerent of Christ”.

Million Man March 20th Anniversary, JUSTICE OR
ELSE, Washington D.C.,| Oct. 2015 | Promo




Muslim Brotherhood Web Of Deceit

CAIR Exposed and Several More Free Document
Downloads For Patriots




Jihad in the United States: A David Wood Presentation (Video)

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Imam In Tennessee: Jews And Christians Are Filthy, Their Property Belongs To The Muslim

Imam In Tennessee: Jews And Christians Are Filthy, Their Property Belongs To The Muslim…

Get Informed, Stay Informed and Pass It On – Remember, It Only Takes  a Spark To Get a Fire Going!

via JewsNews

Posted on 7/3/2013 by 

This is how the adherents to Basic Islam 101 have to believe.

US based Imam, Yasir Qadhi preaches openly that non muslims lives are forfeit and their property is legal for muslims to take in jihad, (and this would include women as sex slaves) yet no charges are brought against him.

Tennessee imam: Jews and Christians filthy, their lives and property can be taken in jihad by the Muslims

Note also his words about jihad, quoting Muhammad: “I have been commanded to fight the people until they testify la illaha illa Allah [there is no god but Allah].”

And Qadhi says: “The life and property of a mushrik [one who worships others besides Allah] holds no value in the state of jihad….which means if they don’t sayla illaha illa Allah, their lives and property are halal” — that is, permitted to be taken by the Muslims.


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Child Killers From Jihad LTTE

Child Killers From Jihad LTTE

The darkest part of Terrorism is the arming of innocent children by Islamic Terrorists to attack people

The parallel is the LTTE Child killers.

Whatever be the Cause this is inexcusable.

Now to Islamic Child Killers.

Body ArmourBody Armour, Child Killers


Child killer training.Children take aim.
Children being turned into killers.Armed Children take oath.
Child turned into a Killer.Would Be child killer being Blessed.Child turned into a Killer.
Child with automatic weaponChild Takes aim with a Telescopic weapon.
Child and Rocket Launcher.Children with Shoulder Missile.
Jihad childChild with Knife and Quran


Child being baptized with blood.Child Baptized with Blood and Knife.



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Ten Obvious Reasons Why Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace

 via TheReligionOfPeace.Com

Ten Obvious Reasons Why
Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace

 #1 18,000 deadly terror attacks committed explicitly in the name of Islamin just the last ten years.  (Other religions combined for perhaps a dozen or so).
 #2 Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, had people killed for insulting him or for criticizing his religion.  This included women.  Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad.
 #3 Muhammad said in many places that he has been “ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger.”  In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that.Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured lootsex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives.  Hebeheaded captivesenslaved children and raped women captured in battle.  Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad.
 #4 After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other. Fatima, Muhammad’s favorite daughter, survived the early years among the unbelievers at Mecca safe and sound, yet died of stress from the persecution of fellow Muslims only six months after her father died.  She even miscarried Muhammad’s grandchild after having her ribs broken by the man who became the second caliph.Fatima’s husband Ali, who was the second convert to Islam and was raised like a son to Muhammad, fought a civil war against an army raised by Aisha, Muhammad’s favorite wife – and one whom he had said was a “perfect woman.”  10,000 Muslims were killed in a single battle waged less than 25 years after Muhammad’s death.Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered.  All of them were among Muhammad’s closest companions.  The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned).  The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth.  The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad’s two favorite grandsons.  The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph.

The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad’s family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time.  Within 50 short years of Muhammad’s death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war…

And that’s just the fate of those within the house of Islam!

 #5 Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission to Islam.  Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands.A mere 25 years after Muhammad’s death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.
 #6 Muslims continued their Jihad against other religions for 1400 years, checked only by the ability of non-Muslims to defend themselves.  To this day, not a week goes by that Islamic fundamentalists do not attempt to kill Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists explicitly in the name of Allah. None of these other religions are at war with each other.
 #7 Islam is the only religion that has to retain its membership by threatening to kill anyone who leaves.  This is according to theexample set by Muhammad.
 #8 Islam teaches that non-Muslims are less than fully human.  Muhammad said that Muslims can be put to death for murder, but that a Muslim could never be put to death for killing a non-Muslim.


The Qur’an never once speaks of Allah’s love for non-Muslims, but it speaks of Allah’s cruelty toward and hatred of non-Muslims more than 500 times.
 #10 “Allahu Akbar!  Allahu Akbar!  Allahu Akbar!”
(The last words from the cockpit of Flight 93)

ReligionofPeace.com Home Page

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Christian Students Forced to Pray to Allah, Study Quran, Pledge Allegiance to Afghan Flag

Christian Students Forced to Pray to Allah, Study Quran, Pledge Allegiance to Afghan Flag.

Christian Students Forced to Pray to Allah, Study Quran, Pledge Allegiance to Afghan Flag

Author’s Note – 

It was brought to my attention that the source I used for this post was bogus and that the information below is completely false.  Had the information been true, my post would have stood as is.  I apologize for misleading anyone and will try to vet my sources better in the future.

Supposedly there is a separation of church of state that permeates our government and public schools that only applies to Christianity and Judaism and does not apply to Islam, the RELIGION of peace, haha!

Christian students are not allowed to have prayer in the classroom or at sporting events.  They are not allowed to sing traditional Christmas songs that mention God, Christ or even a baby in a manger.  Christians are not allowed to hold Baccalaureate services for graduating seniors.  They are not allowed to post the Ten Commandments and students are told they can’t even write about God being their hero.  Some public schools go so far as to ban teachers from showing up at the Christian event ‘See You At The Pole’ on their own time.

But at the same time, schools are allowed to teach all about Islam and make students participate in Muslim activities in the classroom.  A high school in Dearborn, Michigan even held a separate prom for Muslim girls only, but no one seems to be challenging their violation of church and state.

In another prime example of how the separation of church and state does not apply to Islam can be found in the public schools of Jerome, Illinois.  Jerome is a small suburb of the state capital Springfield.  The population is only about 1,500 people and according to the Census is about 94% white.

But you wouldn’t think so with what is being planned at Westhills Middle School this coming November.  To begin with, our supposedly Christian President, Barack HUSSEIN Obama declared the month of November to be Muslim Appreciation Month.  Please note that there is no Christian Appreciation Month, Week, Day, Hour or Minute.  Oh no, that would violate the government endorsing a religion, but evidently declaring a whole month for Islam isn’t endorsing a religion.

In conjunction with Muslim Appreciation Month, school administrators at Westhills Middle School, that teaches grades 6-8, have decided go Muslim for the month of November.  They say that every day, the 300 students learn about Islam and the Muslim life.  They will start the day praying to Allah and repeating the Islamic pledge of allegiance to the Afghan flag.  Students will study reading and writing in Arabic along with Islamic history.  The school cafeteria will also be serving traditional Islamic meals.

And guess what else?  They will be studying the Quran.

The school has mandated that for the month of November, that girls must wear abayas and boys must wear thobes.  Parents will be required to purchase the Muslim clothing.  Any student not participating in the activities will receive a failing grade and forced to take the same grade over again.

Even Christian and Jewish students will be required to pray to Allah and live as a Muslim for a month.  What do you think would happen if Muslim students were required to pray to God, study the Bible and live as a Christian or Jew for a month?  There would be such an uproar that Obama and Holder would probably get involved.

Yet students are not allowed to pray to God, recite the Christian Pledge or study the Bible, but they are being FORCED to do so with Islam.  Today’s public schools have stopped teaching about America’s Christian history, yet they are going to be taught the history of Islam.

The school’s principle defends the school’s program, saying:

“I have been seeing a disturbing trend in the conservative news media when it comes to racism against Muslims. There is simply too much prejudice in today’s western culture. All I know to do is to reach out to the children. I hope by showing them the true meaning of this peaceful religion I can bring acceptance to future generations.”

Now would it surprise you to learn that the school principal’s name is Mohammed Ishir?

If I were a parent in Jerome, I would not allow my child to participate in the pagan lessons. I would also be demanding that Ishir be fired for violating my child’s First Amendment right to freedom of religion.  I would be talking to one of the Christian law firms that helps so many individuals who have had their Christian rights violated.  Christians around the state of Illinois and neighboring states need to show up at Westhills Middle School and protest Ishir’s Muslim indoctrination of the local students.  He needs to be stopped before it happens.

Read more at http://politicaloutcast.com/2013/10/christian-students-forced-pray-allah-study-quran-pledge-allegiance-afghan-flag/#py2XYA3L2o4ymQEr.99

It’s Not Islamophobia When They Really ARE Trying To Kill You! If You Still Think That Islam Is A “Religion Of Peace”…You Really Should Check Out –

“Christianity and Islam: A Side by Side Comparison”

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