Obama, Obama Kenya visit 2006 video, Raila Odinga, ODM party, Obama Odinga campaign, Kenyan government response, Logan Act violation, Petition to Impeach, expel Senator Obama, Obama Kenya video


Obama, Obama Kenya visit 2006 video, Raila Odinga, ODM party, Obama Odinga campaign, Kenyan government response, Logan Act violation, Petition to Impeach, expel Senator Obama, Obama Kenya video

Barack Obama visited Kenya in 2006 and campaigned for his cousin, Raila Odinga, a member of the radical ODM party. Obama also criticized the Kenyan government. Obama’s actions in Kenya are a possible violation of the Logan Act. Here is a video of Obama and Raila Odinga:

Here is an exerpt from the official Kenyan Government response to Obama’s visit:


Citizen WElls

Barack Obama visited Kenya in 2006 and campaigned for his cousin, Raila Odinga, a member of the radical ODM party. Obama also criticized the Kenyan government. Obama’s actions in Kenya are a possible violation of the Logan Act. Here is a video ofObama and Raila Odinga:

Here is an exerpt from the official Kenyan Government response to Obama’s visit:


“Senator Barack Obama indicated that he was visiting Africa to help nurture relations between the continent and the United States. His mission, therefore, was warmly welcomed by the Government and the people of Kenya. The fact that he has roots in Kenya endeared him to the people of this country.

However, during his public address at the University of Nairobi, Senator Obama made extremely disturbing statements on issues which it is clear…

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British Intelligence (MI6) Report Confirms that U.S. President Barack Obama Was Born in Mombasa, Kenya

British Intelligence (MI6) Report Confirms that U.S. President Barack Obama Was Born in Mombasa, Kenya

Video courtesy of: Birther Report

Embakasi Reloaded

British Intelligence (MI6) Report Confirms that U.S. President Barack Obama Was Born in Mombasa, Kenya

By, Michael Shrimpton | British Intelligence | h/t T. Gleeson

According to Michael Shrimpton, Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya in 1960, and not in Hawaii in 1961, as he has claimed.

According to British Intelligence files, since the time of Obama’s birth, Kenya was considered a part of the British Commonwealth.

Mr. Shrimpton also indicated that Obama’s father was tied to a group known as the “Mau Mau,” and that he ran guns and money for them and the German Intelligence Network in East Africa.

According to Shrimpton, Obama’s mother Stanley Ann Dunham, was not pregnant in 1961, but instead gave birth to Barack Obama in 1960.

Then Shrimpton dropped a bombshell.

“It’s also nice to have a DNA relationship with your parents,” Shrimpton added. “The DNA test that was done in respect to Barack Obama’s claimed grandparents, I understand the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) were unable to obtain a…

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Fireworks: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Takes On Fox News’ Alan Colmes Over Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate

Fireworks: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Takes On Fox News’ Alan Colmes Over Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate

Last night Sheriff Joe Arpaio went head to head with Alan Colmes on his Fox News radio show over the investigation into Obama’s forged birth certificate. Sheriff Joe started by telling Colmes he was surprised he had the guts to ask about the investigation. Colmes stuck to the false narrative that all is well with Obama’s birth certificate…

The first clip below is the discussion about Obama’s forged birth certificate, the second covers immigration…

[birth certificate]
[immigration lawsuit]


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Communist Trojan Horse Barry Soetoro – Open letter to the fake President of the United States. From Senior Chief Geoff Ross USN (Ret)

Open letter to the fake President of the United States. From Senior Chief Geoff Ross USN (Ret)

Communist Trojan Horse
Barry Soetoro

Obama Hope n Change

Greetings Mr. Barry Soetoro,

Before I start let me open this E mail to you by saying this information will be promulgated to over 250,000 people.
I will copy it to the FBI the CIA the NSA and the US Secret Service. I will also copy the Congress and the US Senate.

To the people that read this E mail. You can decide to dismiss this information or you can act upon it in a responsible way . You as real American’s are obligated to defend and protect the US Constitution of the United States. I present to you my opinion on Barry Soetoro the Communist in the White House. An evil doer who is trying to financially destroy this nation using Marxist ideology. We have a weak ineffective Republican leadership with John Boehner and I urge him to step down and allow a real conservative America to step in to lead and save this nation.

Obama Constitution

(1) I charge that you Barry Soetoro are the son of former Communist leader Frank Marshal Davis. As a Marxist and supporter of Joseph Stalin your real father’s Communist Party Card number was 47544. Your father was under investigation by the FBI for 19 years. Your facial features, eyes, brow and nose and lips and smile are replicated in the face of John Marshal Davis.

(2) Frank Marshall Davis is your biological father and he raised you in your formative years. By the time you were 18 Frank Marshal Davis had trained you to be a full fledged Marxist. I request the FBI take DNA samples from you and Frank Marshal Davis body and I guarantee a match.

(3) You were conceived when your mother Stanley Ann Dunham and Communist Frank Marshall Davis had a tryst during one of his many visits to your mothers house where he took nude pictures of her for magazines which he wrote for. Frank Marshal Davis was recruited by the KGB to spread Soviet propaganda as a writer and journalist. He wrote for all the Communist newspapers. He was assigned by the Communist Party USA to recruit blacks into the Communist Party. He also started a camera club in Chicago specializing in nude photography.

(4) Frank Marshall Davis real wife was a member of the Communist Party USA loyal also to the Soviet Union. YOUr father cheated on her and got your mother Stanley Ann Dunham pregnant. The FBI had tracked your father since 1944. Comrade Frank Marshal Davis was then assigned from Chicago to Hawaii to promulgate Soviet propaganda as a journalist in Hawaii.

(5) In 1956 your father Frank Marshall Davis was subpoenaed by the Senate Sub Committee for un American activities and when asked to testify he pleaded the 5th Amendment and hid his Communist affiliation.

(6) Your grand father Stanley Dunham named your mom Stanley Ann Dunham in case he was killed in World War II and his name would carry on. You told everyone that your grand father was a furniture salesman when in fact he was a CIA case officer.

(7) In the 1950’s Boeing Corporation built the B-52 bomber and the design plans had to be kept secured and not fall into the hands of the Communist’s. But Seattle was and still is a city full of Communists. Your CIA grand father “Gramps” was assigned to Seattle to keep an eye on the growing Communist insurgency in Seattle to protect our military secrets.

(8) Your grand father commuted from Seattle to Hawaii twice a month to help stem the tide of Communism in Africa by educating African’s in Hawaii. Your grand father then met your cover story dad Barack Hussein Obama during these African re education sessions by the CIA in Hawaii. Your family then moved to Hawaii which pissed off your mom.

(9) Your mom out of spite for the move became a rebel and would sneak over to Frank Marshal Davis house during the day where upon he showed your mom his nude photo collection. Over time she agreed to pose nude for Frank Marshall Davis. The pictures where then sold to magazines and Frank Marshal Davis wrote an auto biographical sex novel involving group sex and he memorialized the encounters with your mom in writings in this book mentioning your mom Ann by name.

(10) Your Mom got pregnant by a devout Communist and your grand father was a member of the CIA. This created a massive problem for your grand father. Frank Marshall Davis was under FBI surveillance and the number 1 Communist in Hawaii. This would jeopardize your grand fathers CIA job and security clearance. You were born in Hawaii as stated not Kenya. Kenya was just a CIA cover story. Your grand mother screwed up with the CT Social Security number. Or perhaps the CIA did.

Obama Failed E-Verify

Obama Indonesian Document

(11) A substitute father had to found for you to protect your CIA grand fathers job. Your grand father found Barack Hussein Obama and the deal was done. Your mom agreed to this sham but only if your grand father enrolled her in college which he agreed. Your grand father protecting his CIA job told the African Muslim Barack Hussein Obama if he pretended to be your father he would be rewarded with a work visa and allowed to stay in the USA. This was accomplished. The work visa was provided. A few months later after all the pieces were put in place your mom was then granted a divorce from Barack Hussein Obama and nobody was any wiser that your real father was Frank Marshal Davis.

(12) Your mom was now free to marry again. By the Spring of 1963 your mom returned to Hawaii. She enrolled in the University of Hawaii and she fell in love with a Muslim Indonesian Lola Soetro and joined him in Jakarta in Indonesia. While in Indonesia you attended Muslim schools and studied the Quran for 2 years. Under Islamic law this made you a Muslim. In 1971 you returned to Hawaii.

(13) You were then reunited with your father Frank Marshal Davis. You learned this truth at age 12 when you found your birth certificate and your grand father then told you about your real identity. You were happy to be with your real father in Hawaii and glad the man in Kenya was not your real father.

(14) Your real father Frank Marshal Davis then continued to raise you as a Marxist and he trained you to hate capitalists and he indoctrinated you as a Communist- Marxist. You said the white man held too much power over you because of his wealth and that the only way to crush capitalism and hurt the oppressive white man was to bankrupt the white man through taxation and redistribution of wealth. You grew up seeing the world through the eyes of Communist Frank Marshal Davis.

(15) Frank Marshal Davis wanted to change your name but your grand father said keep the black name Barack Hussein Obama II and you will be get further ahead in society. So you did. Using affirmative action scholarships etc. In college you went to occidental college as a full fledged Marxist. You picked out and hung out with only Marxists. Your real birth certificate stated that your father was unknown and thus you name was listed as Barack Hussein Obama the II not JR (Junior)

(16) While attending Colombia University you were such a Marxist radical you hardly attended class thus it is impossible to find anyone that sat in class with you. You never attended. The Marxist professors covered for you and this is when you met domestic terrorist and Communist radical Bill Ayers and his wife and the stage was set for your political career.

(17) You shared with Bill Ayers that your father was actually Communist Frank Marshal Davis and when this information was discovered you never had to want for anything again as your 30 year relationship with terrorist Bill Ayers and his family started.

(18) Bill Ayers told you Communists cannot take over the USA from the outside. It can happen only from within starting with our colleges and schools. This brings Common Core to the front burner. This brings the centralization of student loans into the light. Get control of the kids at the youngest age and the curriculum forcing our kids to embrace Socialism.

Obama Constitution

(19) Bill Ayers trained you Obama and explained that blacks are very religious and Communism is based upon atheism so he needed a black face to convince the blacks to slowly convert to socialism. You Obama were given a job with ACORN by Bill Ayers as the inside man. You used blacks as the number one target to be used to help destroy the capitalist system under the guise of fairness and problem solving. Using the blue print of Saul Alisnky, Alinsky defined the word change as a code word for socialism.

(20) When your father Frank Marshall Davis died in 1987 you then adopted the Rev. Jeremiah Wright as your substitute father and you attended his church for 20 years. This man said GODDAMN America in many of his sermons. He too is a Communist. After you graduated from Colombia University you decided to go to Harvard but first you had to take a trip to Kenya to create a time line with your fake family the “Obama’s.” The Rev. Wright said this will help you get into Harvard Law School using affirmative action and race considerations. It worked.

(21) You met your wife Michelle though the Ayers family. You also started a 20 year partnership with ACORN where you registered thousands of minorities to vote including those buried in the local cemetery. For years you became a master of agitation in rapid fire socialist dialogue as trained by your mentor Saul Alinksy. You helped implement the motor voter registration law which did not require an ID to register to vote. This created massive fraud and 8 of the 19 terrorist hijackers from 9-11 used this law to register to vote and to get a drivers license thus giving them easy access to US commercial aircraft in the United States.

(22) Bill Ayers, (Obama’s friend now for over 30 years) wanted to over throw the government and start a Communist revolution starting by killing – attacking police officers and blaming them for killing blacks. Sounds like Ferguson ? Ayers then shifted to over throw the system from within starting in the schools… (Common core) Obama you were also a mentor of Richard Cloward who said you can collapse capitalism by overloading the system with minorities – illegals etc. The Executive Order for 5 million illegals again sound familiar ? This Executive Order will cost the tax payers about 2 trillion. Obama-care about 6 trillion. Add this to the 17 trillion we are in debt and you will eventually collapse the US economy and wipe out the middle class.

(23) ACORN led by you Obama laid the foundation for the sub prime mortgage collapse. You sued City Bank and forced them (The rest of the banks) to lower their standards and through President Bill Clinton, Freddie Mae and Freddie Mack forced banks to lend money to un qualified people mainly minorities and the poor who could never pay back the loans. Thus the housing bubble was created and the collapse of our economy 2008.
Marxism 101.

(24) Bill Ayers directed you Obama to write a book to secure your political position. Obama did not write his book Dreams from my Father, Bill Ayers did. The book was full of lies and falsehoods and a hundred thirty pages were concentrated on Obama’s trip to Africa to build credibility with his fake black heritage.

(25) Your friend David Axelrod whose mother was a member of the Communist Party USA helped you run for the US Senate. You were advised to have nose surgery (Rino-plasty) to hide your close facial resemblance to your father Frank Marshal Davis. In 2008 you had this surgery before you ran for the US Senate.

(26) You become closely aligned with Marxists and Muslims who both support the over throw of capitalism. After 5 months as a Senator you decided to run for President. David Axelrod said you must hide your Marxist ideology and he set up another trip to Africa for you to create an alignment once again with your fake African family. You met up with Odinga Odinga and his Marxist Kenyan Peoples Union who are aligned with Islam and also the Communist Party of Kenya.

Obama Slander Prophet of Islam

(27) You returned back to the states and then set up your “Hope and Change” campaign for a Presidential run. Hope was derived from Jeremiah Wrights audacity of Hope Sermon and Change was from Saul Alinsky’s Code word for Socialist Revolution. “Yes we can” originated from Communist activist Caesar Chavez SI, SE PUEDE! / YES, WE CAN! Your Hope and Change emblem was designed from the old Weather Underground domestic terrorist group emblem.

(28) You refuse to release all your college transcripts because you a “C” average student that just got by in school. You are not able to give a speech without a teleprompter. You are lost without it. You will stammer and stumble. You cannot let the world know you are actually dumber than a bag of marbles.

Barry Soetoro Columbia ID

(29) Your wife Michelle used Communist propaganda by telling people in the black – Hispanic communities that success is always quite out of reach for them and that the capitalists keep moving the bar making it impossible for them to get ahead. Michelle Obama made the black community think America was “Hell” and only the government can help them. All Marxist indoctrination.

(30) Obama you then stated you needed a civilian security force more powerful than our military to secure America. You slipped up Comrade when you revealed your true Marxist intent for America with this statement. Stalin and Lenin would have been proud of you.

(31) Your friend Marxist Bill Ayers and your father “Communist” Frank Marshal Davis prepared you Obama to replace American capitalism with socialism and it all started by signing the stimulus bill in 2008. This was a way to funnel money to Marxist front groups and re distribute our wealth. This included the bail out of General Motors and Obama care are was rammed down our throats and implemented. You also centralized power and hired over 30 czars to bypass the Congress and the America people.

(32) You told Eric Holder to ignore laws and or go around laws you did not like. Like the Dream Act and Defense of Marriage Law. Pure Marxism and unconstitutional. You used the BP pipe line disaster to re distribute wealth and tried to nationalize oil companies using this crisis.


(33) You regard America as an imperial nation and that we owe the world an apology. So you went on your world apology tour. Marxism 101.

(34) Instead of asking where is the birth certificate we should be asking who is your real father. You also stated that the free market capitalism does not work. Using Marxist propaganda you polarized a nation with your speeches stating this is not fair and that is not fair. You programmed people in the minority voting blocks that we need to change America. You even created the group African Americans for Obama. You created an illusion that you were the son of an African goat herder when in fact you are the son of a former Communist leader and you have unleashed a dangerous Marxist agenda on the Middle Class trying to destroy them.

Who Is Barry Soetoro

(35) You are purging the military senior leadership. Over 200 to date and replaced them with weak left leaning capitulators. Marxism 101. You sided with the Muslim brother hood in Egypt a terrorist organization and you inflicted massive casualties’ on Libya by siding with pro Islamic forces that over threw Colonel Mumar Gaddafi. You fired your Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel because he had reached a point of no return and basically told you to go screw yourself after he finally figured you out and he manned up.

(35) Your goal is to tax and regulate the middle class out of business and collapse the economy and make this nation vanish, leaving behind a lower class and your political elites who will run the government and control the wealth. You will do this by controlling the school curriculum, the energy under cap and trade, the water under the EPA and America would become socialist and nobody would even realize it until its too late. Agenda 21 …. The United Nations are waiting to swoop in and finish the job.

I say to Barry Soetoro we will not allow you to destroy this nation. The November 4th election was just the beginning. We the American people demand that you step down and surrender your Marxist agenda and turn yourself over to the Congressional Master at Arms for prosecution for treason against the United States under Article 3 Section 3 of the US Constitution. The militia in this nation is stronger than your federal Communist storm troopers. Barry its time for you to step down and resign from the Presidency.

Senior Chief Geoff Ross

Surface Warfare – Air warfare – Airborne

United States Navy Retired

Navarre Florida

Bombshell Obama Vetting: 1979 Newspaper Article By Valerie Jarrett Father-In-Law Reveals Start Of Muslim Purchase Of U.S. Presidency

Read more at –



The Third Jihad – Radical Islam’s Vision for America


<iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”//www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4XUub1no1qw” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>

Published on Nov 21, 2012

(http://www.clarionproject.org) The Third Jihad is a film that exposes the threat that Islamic extremism poses to the American way of life. In 1988, the FBI discovered a secret Muslim Brotherhood document which laid out their plans to replace the Constitution with Islamic Sharia law. (Original document accepted as evidence in Holy Land terror financing trial: http://www.clarionproject.org/Muslim_…)

The document stated that “The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

One person who dared to speak out about the Islamist threat is Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a devout Muslim-American who served as an officer in the U.S. navy and also as a physician to the US Congress.

After the FBI released the radical Islamist manifesto describing how to destroy America from within, Dr. Jasser decided to investigate.

The Third Jihad is about what he discovered.

Clarion Project (formerly Clarion Fund) brings together Middle East experts, scholars, human rights activists and Muslims to promote tolerance and moderation and challenge extremism.

Check out Clarion Project’s website to learn more: http://www.clarionproject.org

DVD’s can be purchased here: http://www.thethirdjihad.com

Watch Video –  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XUub1no1qw


Obama Facts

Wanted Treason

Obama lies (1)

Open Letter To Reince Prebus

Open Letter To Reince Prebus




Some suggestions;You couldn’t ask for a better ad to air in the states where the races are close and the Republicans MUST win than using Obama’s own words.I would tie those words to footage of how his policies have affected women and minorities and the general population.

Where we live it’s a choice between putting food on the table and paying bills. We can’t get our credit up and buy a home.We’re a stone’s throw from having nowhere to live.

I’m sure there are other people with their own stories-such as high premiums with Obamacare or losing their doctor. I would conclude the ad with the positive pro growth agenda of the Republican party and how it would uplift the very people the Republicans are supposed to be against.

It’s NOT enough to oppose Obama-you have to talk about your own pro people pro Constitution agenda.

A comparison.You have to tell people 1. why they should oppose Obama 2. why you SHOULD support the Republican party. A new dawn in America.

I wouldn’t promise the moon.I would promise an effort on behalf of the folks.

Here ya go. Remind them of what he said.Basically that they supported his policies but LIE if you must. Tell people what you have to tell them.It’s what Obama said.



Trump:The American Years

Some suggestions;You couldn’t ask for a better ad to air in the states where the races are close and the Republicans MUST win than using Obama’s own words.I would tie those words to footage of how his policies have affected women and minorities and the general population.

Where we live it’s a choice between putting food on the table and paying bills. We can’t get our credit up and buy a home.We’re a stone’s throw from having nowhere to live.

I’m sure there are other people with their own stories-such as high premiums with Obamacare or losing their doctor. I would conclude the ad with the positive pro growth agenda of the Republican party and how it would uplift the very people the Republicans are supposed to be against.

It’s NOT enough to oppose Obama-you have to talk about your own pro people pro Constitution agenda.

A comparison.You have to…

View original post 75 more words

Sinister Sites: The Georgia Guidestones

Sinister Sites: The Georgia Guidestones

via VigilantCitizen

The Georgia Guidestones is a mysterious monument on which are carved ten “commandments” for a “New Age of Reason”. The first commandment? Maintaining the world population under 500 million people. Another sinister fact: the authors of what we now call the American Stonehenge are still a “mystery”… except for those in the know. We will look at the numerous features of this monument, its message calling for a New World Order and explain how it is the work of an occult secret society.

Note: One of the first articles I ever wrote on this site, back in late 2008, was about the Georgia Guidestones. I removed the article about a year ago, however, when I came across some vital information: the explanation of the rules written by the hidden authors themselves as well as other documents. So if you are a long-time reader of this site, please keep reading as I’ve re-written the entire article.

The Georgia Guidestones is an enigmatic granite monument situated in Elbert County, Georgia. Also known as the American Stonehenge, the gigantic structure is almost 20 feet high and is made of six granite slabs, weighing in total 240,000 pounds. The most astonishing detail  of the monument is however not its size but the message engraved into it: Ten rules for an “Age of Reason”. These guides touch upon subjects that are associated with the “New World Order”, including massive depopulation, a single world government, the introduction of a new type of spirituality, etc. The authors of those rules have requested to remain totally anonymous and, until now, their anonymity has been duly preserved. However, this mysterious group left a text explaining the reasoning behind the rules, a text that was not discussed online before. With this new information, the purpose behind the Guidestones become very clear, leaving little room for hypotheses. The Guidestones describe the ideal world, as envisioned by occult Secret Societies. The monument is therefore proof of an existing link between secret societies, the world elite and the push for a New World Order.

The Monument

Quietly standing in Elberton county, the Guidestones will probably gain in relevancy in the next years

Made of Pyramid blue granite, the Georgia Guidestones are meant to withstand the test of time and to communicate knowledge on several levels: philosophically, politically, astronomically, etc. It consists of four major stone blocks, which contain ten guides for living in eight languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. A shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages’ scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs. It is important to note that those last four ancient languages are of a great importance in the teachings of occult mystery schools, such as the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians, organizations I will discuss later.

 The four major stones are arranged in a giant “paddlewheel” configuration which are oriented to the limits of the migration of the sun during the course of the year and also show the extreme positions of the rising and setting of the sun in its 18.6 year cycle. The center stone has two special features: first, the North Star is always visible through a special hole drilled from the South to the North side of the center stone; second, another slot aligns with the positions of the rising sun at the time of the summer and winter solstices and at the equinox.

Source: Wired

At the base of the Guidestones lies an explanatory tablet listing some of the details of the structure. It also mentions a time capsule buried underneath it. The contents of this time capsule (if it exists) are a total mystery.

The explanatory tablet explains some of the features of the monuments and its authors (more on them later). The opening date of the time capsule has been left blank.

Astronomical features are of a great importance in the design of the Guidestones. In a relatively “new” nation such as the United States, monuments that are aligned with celestial bodies are often the work of secret societies, such as the Freemasons. Drawing their teachings from the Mystery schools of Ancient Egypt, Greece or the Druidic Celts, they are known for embedding into monuments some of their “sacred knowledge”.

The 10 Commandements

The English version of the Guidelines

The ten guides for a new Age of Reason are as follows:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

As you can see, the guidelines call for a drastic reduction of the world population, the adoption of new a world language, the creation of a world court and a vague allusions to eugenics. In other words, a blueprint for a New World Order.

Depopulation, Planned Parenthood and Eugenics

The first “commandment” is particularly shocking, since it basically stipulates that 12 out of 13 people on Earth should not exist; basically, that would mean everybody in the world would disappear except half of India. If today’s world population is 6,7 billion, then that is a 92.54% surplus. To consider these figures is mind-boggling. But then, how many people survived in the movie 2012? Not many. Who were they? The earth’s wealthiest people. Is this predictive programming?

The last rule of the Guidestones, “Be not a cancer on the earth – leave room for nature – leave room for nature” is particularly disturbing as it compares human life to cancer on earth. With this state of mind, it is easy to rationalize the extinction of nearly all of the world’s population.

Massive depopulation is an admitted goal of the world’s elite and many important people have openly called for it:

In 1988, Britain’s Prince Philip expressed the wish that, should he be reincarnated, he would want to be “a deadly virus” that would reduce world population. More recently, Bill Gates said “The world today has 6.8 billion people … that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” Along with tax-deductible donations of enormous amounts of money to help the depopulation cause, “secret meetings” of the world’s elite have been taking place to discuss those issues:

“Some of America’s leading billionaires have met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population and speed up improvements in health and education.

The philanthropists who attended a summit convened on the initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change.

Described as the Good Club by one insider it included David Rockefeller Jr, the patriarch of America’s wealthiest dynasty, Warren Buffett and George Soros, the financiers, Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, and the media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey.”
The Sunday Times, May 24th 2009

The second rule (“Guide reproduction wisely – improving diversity and fitness”) basically calls for the inference of lawmakers into the management of family units. If we read between the lines, it requires to creation of laws structuring the number of children per family. Furthermore, “improving diversity and fitness” can be obtained with “selective breeding” or the sterilization of undesirable members of society. This used to be called “eugenics”, until it became politically incorrect because of the Nazis.

One World Government

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
-David Rockefeller, “Memoirs of David Rockefeller” p.405

Most of the other rules of the Guidestones basically call for the creation of a world government, ruled by an “enlightened few”, who would  regulate all aspects of human life, including faith, social duties, economy, etc. This idea is far from new, as it has been entertained by Mystery schools for centuries. Manly P. Hall wrote in 1917:

“When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and when the state governs, he is ruled by fear. Before men can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be transmuted into wisdom, superstition into an illumined faith, and fear into love. Despite statements to the contrary, Masonry is a religion seeking to unite God and man by elevating its initiates to that level of consciousness whereon they can behold with clarified vision the workings of the Great Architect of the Universe. From age to age the vision of a perfect civilization is preserved as the ideal for mankind. In the midst of that civilization shall stand a mighty university wherein both the sacred and secular sciences concerning the mysteries of life will be freely taught to all who will assume the philosophic life. Here creed and dogma will have no place; the superficial will be removed and only the essential be preserved. The world will be ruled by its most illumined minds, and each will occupy the position for which he is most admirably fitted.”
– Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages


Read More –

Sinister Sites: The Georgia Guidestones.