Lest We Forget-Confirmed: The Obama DHS hit job on conservatives is real

Lest We Forget –

Michelle Malkin | Confirmed: The Obama DHS Hit Job On Conservatives Is Real

Yesterday, Roger Hedgecock and the Liberty Papers posted an unclassified DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis report titled:

Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.

The “report” (PDF file here) was one of the most embarrassingly shoddy pieces of propaganda I’d ever read out of DHS. I couldn’t believe it was real.

I spent the day chasing down DHS spokespeople, who have been tied up preparing for a very important homeland security event later today: The First Lady is coming to visit their Washington office. Priorities, you know.

Well, the press office got back to me and verified that the document is indeed for real.

They were very defensive — preemptively so — in asserting that it was not a politicized document and that DHS had done reports on “leftwing extremism” in the past. I have covered DHS for many years and am quite familiar with past assessments they and the FBI have done on animal rights terrorists and environmental terrorists. But those past reports have always been very specific in identifying the exact groups, causes, and targets of domestic terrorism, i.e., the ALF, ELF, and Stop Huntingdon wackos who have engaged in physical harassment, arson, vandalism, and worse against pharmaceutical companies, farms, labs, and university researchers.

By contrast, the piece of crap report issued on April 7 is a sweeping indictment of conservatives. And the intent is clear. As the two spokespeople I talked with on the phone today made clear: They both pinpointed the recent “economic downturn” and the “general state of the economy” for stoking “rightwing extremism.” One of the spokespeople said he was told that the report has been in the works for a year. My b.s. detector went off the chart, and yours will, too, if you read through the entire report — which asserts with no evidence that an unquantified “resurgence in rightwing extremist recruitment and radicalizations activity” is due to home foreclosures, job losses, and…the historical presidential election.

In Obama land, there are no coincidences. It is no coincidence that this report echoes Tea Party-bashing left-wing blogs (check this one outcomparing the Tea Party movement to the Weather Underground!) and demonizes the very Americans who will be protesting in the thousands on Wednesday for the nationwide Tax Day Tea Party….” Click Here To Read More


Update: John Hinderaker weighs in the report.

Also good reading in Jonah Goldberg’s thread here.

Watch — Senior Marine Officer Warns: “Homeland Security Is Pre-Staging Gear And Equipment”

Watch — Senior Marine Officer Warns: “Homeland Security Is Pre-Staging Gear And Equipment”


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August 16, 2013 via RedFlagNews.Com



(by MAC SLAVO, SHTF) — We live in a seemingly free country, so we’re told. But that may be because the majority of us have never spent time in a war zone or highly secured police state-like environment.

Few of us understand what it looks like when military and state intelligence assets take over.

Those who do understand, and have themselves implemented such plans in other countries, see exactly what’s going on and they are sounding the alarm (often falling on deaf ears).

In Concord, New Hampshire the local police chief has filed a requisition with the Department of Homeland Security to beef up his police force with a Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck to quell any disturbances initiated by activists or other potential domestic terrorists. In response, the residents held a city council meeting, prompting a retired Marine Colonel to weigh in.

He was formerly a coordinator tasked with manning, training and equipping the Iraqi Army throughout the northern provinces, and he candidly shares his insights and compares the nationwide lock-down in Iraq to what’s happening right here at home.

This is coming from someone who knows – someone who has seen exactly how a population is put under control by means of surveillance and force – and he suggests that what they did in Iraq is child’s play compared to what’s happening in the Land of the Free today.



My job was to man, train and equip the Iraqi Army in Al Anbar, Najaf, Karbala and the northern provinces… We did everything we could to make it as strong as possible.

I’ll tell you right now, homeland security would kick their butts in a week.

What’s happening here is we’re building a domestic military, because it’s unlawful…unconstitutional to use American troops on American soil. So, what we’re doing is we’re building a military.

The way we do things in the military is called task organization. You take a command and then you attach units to it in order to accomplish the mission.

What’s happening is Homeland Security is pre-staging gear and equipment… what they’re trying to do is use standardized vehicles, standardized equipment. 

I saw a picture of the Marathon bombing and there were two officers – they both had identical helmets, flack jackets, weapons… everything I wore in Iraq.

What we’re doing here – let’s not kid about it – we’re building a domestic army and we’re shrinking the military because the government is afraid of its own citizens.

I don’t know where we’re going to use this many vehicles and this many troops.

I can’t believe people aren’t seeing it. Is everybody blind?

While Americans go about their daily activities- sipping their $4 morning coffees, sharing their pictures on social media sites, talking about the latest draft prospects at the water cooler, and focusing their efforts on acquiring the latest and greatest mobile devices – a sinister government is hard at work behind the scenes to ensure complete access to every detail of our lives, as well as the heavy-handed means to control us should we step out of line.

America, according to Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security and the various forms of  ”secret” legislation passed by Congress, is now a domestic war zone, so it only makes sense that local police forces, in an effort to sidestep the restrictions set forth by the U.S. Constitution, are being heavily militarized to fight the new threat.

As noted by one DHS Insider, “it has already begun – you’re seeing it now.”

You are the target and millions of government personnel have been tasked with making sure you don’t step out of line by using any means necessary.

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Revealed: Obama’s Immense Shadow Army & Its Shocking Takeover Plan”

The ObamaCare train wreck – it’s awful, possibly purposeful, certainly useful for team Obama and its growing army of community activists and organizers.
In a previous report, we explored the question, “What if the ObamaCare debacle is really a diversion, using a military term a “feint” – a tactical distraction to draw our attention, our focus and our fire away from the real point of attack on liberty?” 
Remember that horrible train wreck in Spain not long ago, captured on video? As tragic as it was, watching the crash and its gruesome aftermath was almost irresistible, wasn’t it? Well, what if the disastrous rollout of the Obama’s signature legislative achievement – what if this spectacular slow motion ObamaCare train wreck has been and is being allowed to happen so that what’s going on around the bend from the fiery crash site gets little attention, from the public, from the media or from Congressional investigators?
Think about it, friends. How could Barack Obama and his celebrated team of incredibly proficient, plugged in techies – the team that twice got him elected – be behind the utterly disastrous launch of the ObamaCare online storefront, healthcare.gov – arguably the biggest website failure in history? How could so much money have been spent to produce such a problem-plagued site that apparently was doomed in its developmental confusion? And how to fix this monumental mess, well, there doesn’t seem to be any clear plan…other than hope.
And now we learn that many, if not most, of the people actually signing up for ObamaCare through the website are enrolling in Medicaid, not signing up for private insurance policies they pay for, but adding their names onto government rolls – a financial drain on the system, not contributing to it. And many, if not most of those who are enrolling in private plans are finding their insurance premiums, deductibles and co-pays unaffordably high.
Plus, many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans on individual insurance plans are losing their coverage. Every day we learn of massive new policy losses with company after company in state after state. Private health insurance is quickly becoming the endangered species conservatives have been warning about for years.
So, the ObamaCare train continues to run off the rails, car after car exploding and burning. And our focus continues to be on this unfolding disaster, this spectacular, colossal failure. But is it…is it really a “failure”?
Or is this train wreck a shocking success? A success in crushing the market-based health insurance industry, turning private insurance companies into government allies and crony accessories to a culture of dependency, forcing millions of Americans into a scary health care void. Then you’ve got all the seniors being robbed of Medicare benefits and Medicare-available doctors. In other words, ObamaCare is a wrecking ball, a virus spreading through and debilitating the system, a train wreck that wrecking health care.
Meanwhile – and here’s the really shocking part – tax dollars, insurance industry dollars, foundation dollars – tons of money – is flowing into a vast network of non-profits and community-based organizations that are building a massive and dynamic database of government dependents in order to fundamentally change America. Talk about the ultimate community organizer enterprise – infiltrated by, if not run by, Obama activists, former campaign operatives, former White House insiders, advisors and advocates for social justice and wealth redistribution.
We’ve identified a nationwide network of Obama supporters, sycophants and surrogates that’s growing bigger, stronger, more influential every day as they lay the groundwork for the successor to the current version of ObamaCare – the son of ObamaCare. That will be even more powerful and politically connected and formidable. 
When this ObamaCare train wreck is finally and totally derailed, and voluntary ObamaCare signups are acknowledged to be a failure, then we’ll see auto-enrollment – automatic signups of all sorts of people will become a necessity in order to salvage what’s left of a shattered system.
Yes, ObamaCare in its current form is a disaster – possibly purposeful, certainly useful to the community organizer of all community organizers and his expanding political army. An army of darkness forming and fortifying just around the bend from the spectacular ObamaCare train wreck at which almost everyone is gawking…almost everyone. Except us.

O’Reilly Finally Admitted… – Victoria Jackson


O’Reilly Finally Admitted…

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…that Obama is a socialist/communist!!! Finally! I told him so on his show in October of 2008, and he mocked me. He’s finally seeing the light. It took him 5 years. My first clues were Obama’s “community organizer” past, his friendship with Ayers, the “Rules for Radicals” course he taught, and his Marxist quote to Joe the Plumber on the campaign trail when he said we should “Spread the wealth around.”

It took the failure of Obamacare to wake O’Reilly up!

Watch O’Reilly’s “talking points” of Oct. 22, 2013. O’Reilly says, “Obamacare is just part of the vision for the forced sharing of American assets.” That’s “redistribution of wealth.” That is Marxism. That is Communism. Remember my song, “There’s a Communist Living in the White House”?

And, as Marielena Stuart says, “Socialism is phase one of communism.

Obamacare is unveiling the hidden truth, the agenda of the left – Total Government Control.

People are slow to use the word, “communist.” Is that because they think it disappeared with “the McCarthy Era?” Are they afraid to “name-call” ? – especially since the left would terribly mock and ridicule anyone who would suggest McCarthy did a good thing, rooting out the America-haters, the enemies of the state.


“Communist” may be the old-fashioned word, but “Progressive” means the same thing! It means government control of everything. The end of freedom. No more freedom of religion. No more freedom of speech. (Political correctness). No more rewards for your hard work. “Spread the wealth.” You wanna be Cuba, Russia, China, Korea?!

Hilary Clinton proudly calls herself a “progressive.” (Video here.)

Marielena Stuart escaped Communist Cuba, so she knows the warning signs. She was so concerned for America that she put aside her life, and ran for office, just like all the rest of the Tea Party. We don’t like politics. But America has been taken over by the children of the Communist Party, while the rest of us were raising families, working, and going to church. Valeria Jarrett (Obama’s top assistant), and Obama’s grandparents who raised him, and Obama’s childhood mentor Frank M. Davis were card carrying members of the Communist Party. (Paul Kengor’s research book “The Communist” lists their Communist Party Membership #.)

Have you read the books of Aaron Klein, D’nesh D’souza, Trevor Loudon, Paul Kengor, Rush, Beck, David Horowitz, … yet ?

My friend Jeanette recently told me, “Most people don’t know that “progressive” is the new word for “communist’.” I realized that she’s probably right. Most people still don’t understand that communism/progressivism will “fundamentally change” their lives from optimistic to hopeless. From liberty to tyranny. The elite few (oligarchy) will rule the rest of us just like the feudal system. STOP THIS. GET INVOLVED.

Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Jarrett, Van Jones, etc…their goal is for everyone to be on food stamps, not just the few needy. They are doing radio spots to encourage food stamp enrollment. They are crashing the economy ON PURPOSE!!!

Reality is that someone has to pay. That someone is the poor sucker who followed the rules, did their best, took care of their family, made good grades, kept a job, went to church, tithed, and loved their neighbor as themselves.

The brilliant, truth-teller Monica Crowley, my hero, reminded O’Reilly and viewers on the Oct. 22nd show, that America already has a “gazillion” social-safety-nets, programs, free food, health care, housing, etc. for poor and needy people. And, then there’s “the church.” To continue to take more and more from the dwindling group of tax-payers is a purposeful attempt to crash the system and make us all dependent on the government/ the dictator…and his friends.

I don’t want my children/grandchildren to grow up in a communist country. Communism endorses atheism because a citizen cannot serve “two masters.” You cannot worship God AND the Government. Communism/Progressivism (along with Islamic Shariah Law) ridicules, and then persecutes, jails, tortures and kills Christians.

It is happening right now all around the world. Saeed Abedini, currently imprisoned in Iran, simply for being a Christian, is in our prayers.

I taught my children to study the Bible and love Jesus Christ. I do not want them persecuted for following the Truth.

This is the passion that drives me to political activism.

comm vic

Read more at http://victoriajackson.com/9924/oreilly-finally-admitted#iKO57GgxxbBqfHBQ.99

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Sheila Jackson Lee Suggests Martial Law to End Government Shutdown

Sheila Jackson Lee Suggests Martial Law to End Government Shutdown.

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Sheila Jackson Lee Suggests Martial Law to End Government Shutdown

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), who has been rumored as being considered to replace Janet Napolitano to head the Department of Homeland Security, used some very strange language earlier this week to characterize a sentiment for a clean resolution to end the government shutdown. She labeled it a form of “martial law.”

Yes, we have heard Ms. Lee say some whimsical and ridiculous things in her time in office, which I’m sure embarrass her fellow Texans, but this has to be one of the most ridiculous ones to date.

She pushed that the measure was bi-partisan, including Democrats and Republicans.

sheila-jackson-lee“It’s something called a continuing resolution, but it’s a bill that you put on the floor that has been passed already by Republicans and Democrats in the United States Senate….that we could vote on today,” Lee said.

“We have martial law — what that means — and my colleagues know what it means — is that you can put a bill on in just minutes,” she added.

What in the world does martial law have to do with a government spending bill? Is this implying that Congress can just willy nilly pass a law to do whatever they like, in any manner they like, constitutional or unconstitutional? I think Ms. Jackson better check her 6 if that is the case. I see truckers and vets coming to town who would disagree with her.

Darla Dawald writes:

The term “martial law” in a legislative context is somewhat obscure but it has been used before to define lawmakers’ ability to “fast track” bills without going through the usual congressional process.

However, Lee’s insistence that a Senate-approved resolution to fund the federal government be fast-tracked via “martial law” appears to conflict with Article I, Section 7, Clause I of the Constitution, which states, “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.”

This clause was included by the founders to ensure that decisions related to the power of the purse reside with the legislative body which is closest to the American people.

The last time martial law was mentioned by a member of Congress was back in 2008 when Rep. Brad Sherman revealed how lawmakers were threatened with “martial law in America” by then Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson if they rejected the TARP bailout package.

So I was right. As Darla points out, it is a means of dismissing the Constitutional process and the law in order to push whatever Congress wants, whether it is lawful or not. Sheila Jackson Lee is among the most lawless witches in Congress. She is among many socialists and communists on the House Oversight committee in the House of Representatives, and she is more than in favor of grabbing your guns and stealing your right to own them. Why should this surprise us that she would use such terminology? I’ll let the reader decide, but I have my own theories.

Beware, Ms. Jackson may have given a signal about what the Communists and socialists in the House, along with their comrade in the White House has planned.

Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/sheila-jackson-lee-suggests-martial-law-end-government-shutdown-sort/#ixzz2hYVRrzkL
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/sheila-jackson-lee-suggests-martial-law-end-government-shutdown-sort/#FhdUXrdRlrVKm1cE.99

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