Kerry plans to tax Americans to address threat of “foreign fighters”…

Kerry plans to tax Americans to address threat of “foreign fighters”…

Posted on October 7, 2013 by creeping

“…that he arms and trains. You can’t make it up folks. via Fourth Ministerial Plenary 27 September 2013, New York Co-Chairs’ Fact Sheet: Deliverables.
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
September 27, 2013
Below is the text of the Fact Sheet issued by the Co-Chairs (Turkey and the United States) of the Global Counterterrorism Forum for the September 27, 2013, GCTF Ministerial Plenary in New York.
Begin text:
One of the core objectives of the GCTF is to assist countries around the world in enhancing the capacities of their civilian institutions to meet the terrorist threats within their borders and regions, and to strengthen global efforts to counter terrorism and violent extremism in their myriad forms and manifestations. Renewing the Forum’s commitment to an action-oriented approach to addressing 21st century terrorism and violent extremism, the 27 September 2013 Ministerial Plenary will include the announcement of a number of forward-looking assistance and capacity building deliverables.
I. Announcement of Intent to Establish a Global Fund for Community Engagement and Resilience
The GCTF Co-Chairs, Turkey and the United States, will announce that a core group of government and non-government partners from different regions are planning to establish the first-ever public-private global fund to support local, grass-roots efforts to counter violent extremism in all of its forms and manifestations. It is anticipated that the fund will raise more than $200 million over the next 10 years to support local, anti-violent extremist causes. Following this announcement, these partners will work over the next few months to reach agreement on the mandate, legal foundation, and organizational architecture of the fund and to mobilize the necessary resources to allow this independent entity to become operational by the middle of 2014. (Please see accompanying Fact Sheet.)

III. Announcement of New GCTF Initiatives
During the course of the Ministerial and non-Ministerial segments of the Fourth Coordinating Committee Meeting on 26-27 September, a number of new GCTF initiatives will be announced that leverage the Forum’s unique ability to bring expertise and resources to bear on some of the critical CT challenges of the 21st century. These include:
Foreign Fighters: As part of the ongoing effort to address the “foreign fighter” challenge, there is a need to bring together practitioners and policymakers from a range of countries and in a diversity of disciplines to share lessons learned and challenges in understanding, preventing and tackling the “foreign fighter” threat in all of its manifestations. The 12-month GCTF initiative could include: (1) a mapping and sharing of information on “foreign fighters”; (2) the identification of the ongoing challenges and priorities in understanding the phenomenon, some of which could be the focus of follow-on experts’ workshops; (3) an initial inventory of current legislation, preventative practices and tracking mechanisms as well as insight in where (both thematically and geographically) additional work is needed; 4) the development of a policy guide identifying a series of promising practices and lessons learned to provide interested governments with guidance on how to address the “foreign fighter” threat in a comprehensive manner; and/or (5) the adoption of a “foreign fighter tool kit” (background and training material) for addressing the “foreign fighter” phenomenon.
Got it? Foreign Fighters are a critical CT challenges of the 21st century.
Yet Obama and Kerry are funding, training and arming foreign Muslim fighters all over the world…with American tax dollars. Now they want to tax Americans more to address the problem they are guilty of aiding and abetting. More re-distribution of wealth from Americans to Muslims the world over.
Shut them all down, permanently.
Robert Spencer has more at John Kerry’s Jobs Program for Would-Be Jihadists, as does CNS News, Kerry: Potential Terror Recruits Need ‘More Economic Opportunities’.”

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